Hey it’s Moni here, I want to thank you for dropping by and to personally welcome you to my site, Online Income News.
I have been marketing online for more than 10 years, and during this time you could say I tried just about every opportunity going to make money online.
In the early days I was making some money, however, most things I tried didn’t work out as well as I expected them to work out, and a lot of them were just simply scams.
Having experienced many scams in the early days, I soon learned how to spot a scam online and offline.
Finally, I did break through and found some great affiliate programs that worked extremely well for me.
I created this site Online Income News to help you find legitimate online programs that not only can make you money but also provide great value for the end users with the products or services provided by the company. I truly believe in life every situation you create should be a win-win situation!
If you’re anything like I was in the early days you want to work online and have the freedom to work from anywhere at any time, however, you are scared of getting scammed… right? My friend relax! I know how you feel as I also felt the same way in my early days.
So, I have put together a team and created this site to SEARCH, REVIEW and bring you only the TOP LEGITIMATE MONEY MAKING Programs ONLINE! This way you don’t have to waste your time searching and evaluating if the program you find is a scam or not.
I ask if you find something on my site that captures your interest that you get involved with my site. I love to talk about Affiliate Marketing/Internet Marketing, and if you have any interest that you want to share or any opinion on content I am sharing, please do speak up. I love feedback in any form.
If you ever need any help or feedback regarding any affiliate/internet/network marketing program, I would be more than happy for you to connect with me, drop me a comment below or you can always get in touch with me via WealthyAffiliate.com (here is a link to my profile)
If you would like to join me within Wealthy Affiliate you can register here to create your FREE Starter Membership. This is where I network with others and offer my help each and every day to people like yourself.
Make sure you visit this site regularly as we are always updating the site with new and exciting programs we come across that I know you will find interesting.
Anyway, I wish you much success with your online business and thank you for dropping by.
Best wishes
Founder of OnlineIncomeNews.com
I am delighted to see a gentleman like you to start a program to help people who want to make a decent living beeing scamed by unscrupulous individual who think they have to rob to make a living. I have so happy to have that service available and most probably will have to use it.
Hi John
Thank you for your message… I was just sick of my friends being scammed with online programs so I decided it was time to do something about it 🙂
With my 10 years plus experience of marketing online I can spot a scam a mile off. I will search and thoroughly review programs and only bring top legitimate programs where people have a chance to make a decent living online provided they are prepared to work.
I will of course be letting people know which programs to avoid!
Once again thank you for taking the time to comment and if I can help in any way please do contact me.
Best wishes
Thanks for your post. My story is similar to yours . have not made tons online yet to be able to replace my doctor’s income but I am on my way. having been scammed many times, I am on a mission to save souls from falling into the same traps. keep up the good work.
Hi Dr Moses
I am sorry you hear you too had bad experiences with scams. It is up to us to do something to stop this happening to others.
I will never understand people who use their energy to scam unsuspecting victims when these same people can use their talent to build a real business and bring value into this world.
I applaud you on your mission to help others. If I can help in any way let me know.
Keep going and I am sure very soon you will be earning a decent full time income from home..
Wish you much success.
Hi Moni, I have a similar story and yes, as you spend more time online, you get real good at spotting scams…I like the design of your website. Mine is at the bare bones stage at the moment…Keep up the good work!
Hi Stella
Thank you for taking the time to comment and your kind words.
Keep going with your site and let’s expose the scams so people don’t fall for them and lose their hard earned money.
If I can help in any way please let me know.
Hi Moni,
Nice to meet you,I can empathize with you on the subject of being ripped off by unscrupulous people on the internet, you are telling it like it is well done.
Hi Fintan, hope you are well and having a great day!
Thank you for your kind words… I do appreciate it!
Wish you much success!
Hi Moni,
first of all thanks for the like and follow, You have gathered many legit sites compared to me. Really you are awesome.
Time is Money
Hi SJ, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
I appreciate your kind words…
Online business or offline business both require lots of effort and time.
My advice is to just keep adding valuable content and give your site time to grow.
Wish you much success!
Hi Moni, thank you for starting online income news where people can go and read on legitimate online opportunities that exist.
Yes, there are so many ways of making money online but a lot of them make empty promises and they scam people while claiming to make them money.
Thank you for the wonderful post and creating a platform where we can trust the source (author). I can relate to your experience and it resonates with me.
Hi Zinzi, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
I am happy to hear you enjoyed the post and you are finding the platform helpful.
Yes, sadly there are too many scams online and people need to be cautious, they need to do their research online before parting with any cash.
My only sadness is that sites like this will not be able to reach everyone and some people will still become victim to the scammers.
However, I will keep pressing on and if I can save even one person from becoming scammed then this site will have been worth setting up.
I appreciate your kind words and this is what keeps me going.
Wish you much success.
Hi Admin,
Hope you are in best of your health,
Jenat is here. I would provide you highly SEO optimized content. I am seeking a link to my website. Are there any charges for this. Can you please share details?
I will be looking forward to your response in this regard.
Janet Chu
Hi Jenat
Thank you for your message.
We welcome all content providing it is a minimum of 1200 words and unique.
Currently, we are not charging for this however the content must be of high quality and relevant for our readers.
If we accept your content naturally we will provide a link back to your site.
Best wishes