How to Make A Website Blog

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Whether you have a business or want to share your story with the world, a blog is a powerful medium for connecting with large audiences.

If you are looking for a side hustle, want to educate people or have specialist knowledge that can solve serious problems, learn how to make a blog.

A blog is easy to start. In fact, you can create a blog under one hour although the processes leading up to the creation can take time.

So if you are trying to create a blog but don’t know where to start, read this piece to the end. Here we go!

Choose a Memorable Blog Name

Why do people create a blog? For many reasons but they all boil down to building a brand.

And the best brands have a memorable name. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of picking a befitting name for your blog.

But how do you choose a name representative of your purposes without alienating your audience?

Well, there is no iron-clad formula for choosing a blog name but these tips can steer you in the right direction.

Descriptive: Choose a blog name that describes the purpose of the platform. If you will blog about health hacks, you want to include the word “hack” or “health” or related terms in your blog name. That way, potential readers can deduce the theme of your blog.

Memorable: The best blogs have memorable names. You don’t want readers wracking their brains to recall the name of your wonderful blog. Being memorable also means short and easy to remember.

While there are many two and three-word blog names, sentence-length names will throw you off most people’s radar. Before settling for a particular name, say it repeatedly and listen to the sound. Do you like what you hear? If not, readers probably won’t.

Determine the Blog Topic

Your blog’s topic is what you will share with your readers.

Many bloggers start by writing about their passions and hobbies. That’s why there are so many cooking, fashion, sports and travel blogs out there.

You can also share life experiences on your blog. To help other people cope with similar problems, many bloggers blog about their struggle with cancer, mental health, domestic abuse, loneliness, barrenness and everything you can think of.

Do you think your experience can help others cope better with the challenges in their lives? That makes for an excellent blog topic.

You could also blog about your profession or daily life. If the blog is for a business, then share stories about how your products and services are changing the lives of customers.

Choose a Domain

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Once the blog name is settled, it’s time to choose a domain extension.

The domain is the or .net. It’s best to go for a .com domain extension but the competition is fierce.

If your chosen domain is not available under the .com extension, use .net or .org or even .io.

To check for your domain’s availability, type the name into the search bar of one of the popular domain registries.

For better results, add dashes between words or include smaller words. Try different domain extensions if your first choice is registered.

Select a Host

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The blog host is your online real estate. Hosting companies maintain humongous servers with hundreds of terabytes of space.

To float a website or blog online, you pay them to host your content and blog infrastructure on their servers.

Nowadays, hosting is affordable but you will make a huge mistake if you choose the cheapest offer on the market.

The reason is that your blog’s loading speed depends on the hosting. A slow or overburdened host will take more time to load, increasing bounce rate as most internet users have a short attention span.

If you can afford it, buy a top-rated hosting that will deliver exceptionally fast loading time for your blog so you can increase reader experience and improve the overall performance of your platform.

Most hosting companies now offer 1-click website builder installation, making the process fast and seamless.

Build Your Blog

The most popular blog and software blog on the planet is WordPress but Blogger, Wix, Joomla, Drupal and many others are available.

Once you have a domain and hosting, you need blog creation software.

WordPress accounts for over 70% of online infrastructure, making it the most widely used blogging software.

Choose a name for your free website and build it now!

Not only is WordPress free, but it has a vibrant and mature ecosystem of developers and users who support and work together to make the software better every minute of each day.

There is hardly any problem you can encounter while using WordPress which you can’t easily get a solution to with few Google searches.

WordPress is easy to use and most people can install it even with zero technical skills. Once you install the software, start customizing the blog.

Customize Your Blog

Giving your blog a new look is simple and mostly free.

If you use WordPress, you have access to thousands of premium themes, plugins and add-ons which you can install to transform your blog’s appearance.

Whether you want a professional ambience, carefree look and everything in between, there is a theme for your needs on WordPress.

For business blogs, consider premium themes to give you that original and sophisticated feel when readers land on your blog.

For personal blogs, choose from pre-installed themes on WordPress or thousands of free themes to bring your desired layout to life.

Create Content

content is king

Now that your blog is all set up and ready to go, start writing and publishing.

Blogging is all about adding value to readers’ lives. But if you ask any successful blogger, they will tell you consistency is difficult especially after raising the bar high at the beginning.

The best way to grow a blog is to provide valuable content consistently. Create an editorial calendar with topics and publication dates to add order to your blogging activity.

Over time, you can outsource your writing to an experienced freelancer but make sure standards remain high.

Another way to populate your blog with content is through videos and podcasts. You can make long videos which can then be posted in small chunks to your blog.

You can adapt the transcript of the video and podcast for the blog, social media and more.

There is so much you can do with the content on your blog but make sure readers are at the core of your actions.

Promote Your Blog

Once you publish content, it’s time to promote your blog to a wider audience.

One way to do this is by posting tidbits from your blog on social media sites. It may not be prudent to use paid traffic for a personal blog but business blogs can take this route if they have the budget.

Consistent audience engagement, a deep understanding of your readers and positioning yourself as an authority can make a lot of difference when you want to increase your blog’s visibility.

Final Words

Blogging is rewarding if you put in the time and effort to nurture it. It starts by choosing the right name and blogging platform.

Even if you monetize the blog later, don’t stop giving your audience value every time. That’s the only way to win as a blogger in the long run.

I hope you enjoyed this “How to Make A Website Blog” article if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Before You Go…

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About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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2 Comments on “How to Make A Website Blog”

  1. Hey, I really liked this article because it gives people information on how to start an online blog. Especially for beginners who do not know how to start. I think that you covered all the key points well and this was definitely something I would’ve read before I started my blogging.

    I think choosing a memorable name is indeed very important for people to remember since whenever they need information they will remember your site at first thought. Also selecting a good domain, I personally did not know the ‘.com’ was quite competitive.

    I also like that you gave them advice on choosing WordPress since it is one of the best out there. Also, the fact that you encouraged creating content for the benefit of the reader as we are providing a service to someone. Good job!

    1. Hi Daniel, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I am happy to hear you found the article helpful and thank you for your kind words.

      My goal with this article is to really help beginners who have no idea where to start and how to build a website blog.

      This article will, I hope, start them off in the right direction. I know when I was a beginner I would have found something like this very helpful and not wasted so much time learning by making mistakes.

      Wish you much success!

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