Starting From Zero Review

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Starting from Zero is an audiobook created by the prolific and highly successful internet marketer Fred Lam. At only $1.99, this program is one of the most legitimate on Clickbank. If you know anything about Fred Lam, you understand he is one of the most driven online personalities with results to show.

Fred has featured been on Grant Cardone’s show Ask the Pro, has been endorsed by thought leaders like Anik Singal and more. What he teaches in Starting from Zero can help you create a viable online business in record time if you follow it to the latter.

In this review, we look at what the program offers and whether you can make money by implementing the advice therein.

What Is Starting From Zero?

Detective looking through a large magnifying glass at a question mark

The name says it all. Starting from Zero is a program that provides you with easy-to-follow systematic instruction on how to start a new online business from scratch.

This program provides a 5-step process to help you start a successful e-commerce business. You will learn how to create your own online store, source products, target a lucrative market and close deals. Everything you need including how to find reliable suppliers and scaling the business comes with this program.

Fred outlines the following steps:

  • Instant Online Presence: This step shows you how to create an online presence using Fred’s exact templates and resources.
  • Inventory Arbitrage: Here, Fred shows you how to sell products without keeping an inventory or warehouse. You do not need to get involved with the complicated logistics of shipments and supply chains.
  • Profit Multiplier: This allows you to scale your business by providing maximum value to your market without looking greedy.
  • Rinse & Repeat: Once you have the structures in place, all you need to do is fine-tune your processes and repeat. Consolidate your business and watch your business and profits grow.

What Is Inside Starting From Zero?

This product is an audiobook but comes with a PDF version. In it, Fred explains his 5-step system in eight chapters including:

The 30,000-Foot Overview

In this chapter, Fred teaches you how to start a profitable e-commerce business with only $100. Starting a business has never been easier thanks to the low financial barrier Fred sets in this section of the program.

Your Opportunity Within The Falling Empires Of Retailers

This part talks about the benefits of eCommerce and how to leverage it to become a successful internet marketer. Fred talks about the online retail business, the power of Amazon and how to make it a profit generator for you.

The Digital Goldmine Opportunity

In this chapter, Fred teaches how to research and choose lucrative niches. You will learn the secret of finding and taking advantage of low-hanging profitable and less competitive niches.

This section also shows you how to buy a domain that people can remember. Overall, this chapter is all about building an enduring brand image that will endear you to your markets.

The Wizard Behind E-Commerce

What Is A Dropshipping Buisness Shopify Bag

This chapter is dedicated to Shopify and how to use it for your eCommerce business. You will learn the rudiments of Shopify, how to build a store, create a payment processing gateway and activate your store to receive payments directly when customers place orders.

Check out What Is Shopify About – A Complete Guide

You also learn how to use PayPal to automate orders for seamless operation of your online store. In addition, Fred provides actionable tips to help you process credit cards with no fuss or risks to your store and customers.

The Inventory Arbitrage

This chapter introduces you to millions of inventory. Fred teaches you the pricing formula that helps him run highly profitable eCommerce stores. He also shows you how to find lucrative products and sell branded goods at a premium.

“Build It And They Will Come” Is False

This chapter blows away your misconceptions about traffic. Here, Fred shows you the three most important sources of traffic and how to apply it for maximum store visibility.

The Magical Alignment of Your Buyers


This section is all about leveraging the mind-blowing reach and precision targeting power of Facebook ads.

While the information here is best practised, the chapter shows you how to run FB ads and optimize the best performing ads set.

The four Levels of Optimization helps you fine-tune your Facebook ads campaigns for best results.

Scaling Up to Millions

Using emails and other traffic methods, this chapter shows you how to scale your online business to the highest level. Here, Fred not only teaches you core business skills you can apply to every enterprise but shows you how to build a resilient brand, diversify your income sources and even monetize your store.

One of the most lucrative ways of earning big money in the eCommerce world is to flip your store. However, that requires having the patience and experience to build something worth paying top dollar. This chapter will teach you how.

How Much Is Starting From Zero?

Ten dollar bills spread out with the word costs in the middle

At the frontend, this product costs a meagre $1.99 for the audiobook. However, there are upsells farther into the program. Some of the upsell include:

Six B.S Framework: The $47 Brilliantly Strategic framework is a 6-step guide that shows you how Fred buys media to increase your store traffic for more revenue and profits.

eCompreneur: This upsell goes for $147 for 3 months after which you will pay $49 per month. It comprises a 12-week training that provides hands-on training on how to become an eCommerce expert.

The program provides several automation tools to help you get the best out of your store. You might wonder if this is not the same as what Fred teaches in the Start from Zero audiobook, but it is more comprehensive and you get access to some fabulous tools as well.

Influencer Masterclass: At $197, this program shows you the workings of influencer marketing. In short, you will learn how to become Instafamous, cultivate a loyal following for your brand and boost your store’s popularity and incomes.

Is Starting From Zero A Scam?

is it scam

Fred Lam has been in the online business environment for a long time and his credibility is not in doubt. This product is only $1.99 although it comes with many upsells, which can push the price to almost $400, however, it delivers.

While you may not agree with all the claims in the program, Starting from Zero is one of the few products on Clickbank that has a real face to it and offers actionable knowledge.

Fred Lam is not a fraud and his products teach legitimate proven methods of making money online and building eCommerce brands that endure. If you want to learn the fundamentals of dropshipping, eCommerce, influencer marketing and more, this product offers a good primer on these subjects and more.

Can You Make Money with Starting From Zero?

Woman thinking with question marks all around her

The concepts taught in this product offer tested business lessons you can apply to diverse industries. If you stick to the teachings and practice what is inside this audiobook, you will have a firm foundation to build a profitable online business.

Fred Lam teaches you actionable strategies that will help you create and run profitable eCommerce businesses. This program has made many successful entrepreneurs already. You too can be one of them. Click Here for Starting From Zero Audiobook


I hope you enjoyed this review and now have an understanding of what “Starting From Zero” is about if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Before You Go…

If you seriously want to earn money online at home and still not sure about how to start then click the banner below and check out the training platform and the community that got me started. And the best part is you can check out everything for FREE to decide if it is the right for you.

About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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2 Comments on “Starting From Zero Review”

  1. Hi Moni,

    Great post! I had never heard of this book although I was aware of Fred Lam. Fred seems to have his funnel all set out beautifully and has upsells all the way through. He would be a great mentor to get started in ecommerce for sure.

    I have tried Shopify myself but just couldn’t get it profitable unfortunately. I will stick to affiliate marketing as I am making some dollars there. thanks for a great post,



    1. Hi Kevin, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I am happy to hear you liked the post.

      Kevin, I too tried Shopify and for me, it also didn’t work out however affiliate marketing is working out 🙂

      Wish you much more success with your affiliate marketing business.

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