Legit Ways To Make Money From Home

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For many people making money from home has been nothing but a mirage. Every day online you are bombarded with influencers no bigger than your kid brother or sister posting photos of the good life they are enjoying without going to college or even leaving their home. And you ask the question, are there any real ways to make money from home? The good news is yes there are, however, the bad news is it is not as easy as they have you believe. In this short article, we are going to look at legit ways to make money from home.

The business ideas we’re going to present are being used successfully by millions of people around the world to make an honest living. However, we are going to be honest and not sugarcoat the facts. It takes hard work and perseverance to make money on the computer. If you want to make serious income from home you will need to identify a specific niche, provide excellent products or service and aggressively promote yourself,

Survey Taker

The first idea will not make you a life-changing income however making money from home through surveys is one of the easiest ideas and it can provide some cash to help with the bills. This idea works online and offline however online is more popular.

The great thing about surveys is that providing you meet the survey criteria you don’t need any special skills or experience. There are many websites online that you can register with and get paid for your opinion. The sign-up process for these sites is quick and easy. As soon as your application is approved you will receive emails notifying you when any surveys that match your profile become available.

The majority of survey sites provide short and simple tasks and many pay less than a dollar to complete a survey. Some popular survey sites include Swagbucks, SurveyJunkie, InboxDollars, Vindale Research, MySurvey.com. ACOP.com and SurveySavvy.com to name a few. These platforms can help you make a little extra cash however, don’t expect to get rich by taking surveys.



Blogging is a great way to share your knowledge and passion with a global audience and at the same time make money from blogging. It is possible to scale your blog to any level of influence, authority, and income with the right management.

There are numerous ways to generate an income from the blog once you have a steady stream of traffic to your blog. If you want you can become a consultant, you can sell your own products and services or you can promote other vendors products by becoming an affiliate for them. Other monetization methods include ads, reviews, and even donations.

Blogging offers so much potential however it is essential to consistently provide value to your audience. If you can develop a track record as an authority in your specific niche and resolve your reader’s most prominent issues, a blog site can end up being a passive income source for several years to come.

Learn more:
What Is Blogging About? Complete Guide
Make Money Online Blogging

Freelance Writing

If you are good with words then maybe you should consider freelance writing. There are literally billions of blogs and websites on the internet from all over the world and lots more continue to start every day. With the ever-increasing online traffic, there is a huge demand for reputable and creative writers. Businesses and website owners are always searching for writers who can create valuable and insightful content that will resonate with their target market. This is where you can step in as a writer and provide your writing service to fill the gap. It can be to your advantage if you have expert knowledge in a specific field however this is not a barrier to you achieving success as a freelance writer.

You can prospect for clients on social media platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter or you can sign up with a freelance writing site such as Upwork or PeoplePerHour. We suggest having some samples ready in your area of expertise prior to looking for clients as all potential clients will want to see a sample of your work.


This idea is perfect for an English teacher wanting additional income. As an English teacher, you can put your editing skills to good use and make money after school hours. There are countless individuals who all want a slice of the freelance writing cake however not many of them can self-edit their work to any publishable standard. As an editor, this provides a good side hustle for you to make a good income.

The best place to start is by registering with a freelance website, creating a profile and offering your editing service. You can offer your editing service to students, writers, trade publications and organizations that need editing services. With time, it is possible to grow your editing side hustle to where it becomes your primary earnings source. Till then, keep prospecting for customers.

Online Tutor

Not so long ago if you wanted to tutor someone you had to either meet them in their home or somewhere else like a library. However, with the technological advances with the internet, it is now possible to deliver learning, guidance, and advice virtually. If you have an academic background in any particular topic you can start by notifying your friends and neighbors of your availability if their kids need some help with their subjects.

You can also sign up with some online tutoring websites that pay per hour. Depending on the online platform, the subject, and the location you can earn up to $20 per hour. Don’t let your mathematics or science wizardry die a slow death when you can help disadvantaged children with their grades and earn money at the same time. Check out Tutor.com and TutorHub.com

Customer Service Rep

customer service agents

As a customer service rep, you get paid for your service to call and answer customer enquiries. It is a very important role as you are the mouthpiece of the company. As a customer service rep, you don’t need any special skills however you do need to have a pleasant telephone manner and have thick skin as some people will shout at you.

These days many businesses outsource their customer support instead of employing people in-house. Companies outsource to third parties who work with private individuals to do the job. Customer service reps typically earn up to $30 per hour and you will need a telephone, a computer, and a reliable internet connection for this job.

To stand out at this job, you should be an outstanding communicator, an active listener and have the ability to keep your cool when you are provoked. Check out Customer Service Rep jobs at Indeed.com

Virtual Assistant

Another lucrative work from home opportunity is to become a Virtual Assistant. Some individuals have actually made this into an extremely lucrative business. In fact, if you have heard of Gina Horkey you will know she earns six-figures as a virtual assistant and she was the one who actually made people aware of this profitable niche.

Becoming a virtual assistant can be your dream home business if you like admin work and you excel at managing other people’s dull work. Maybe, unlike the veterans, you may not make five or six figures however it is very possible for you to earn hundreds and even thousands of dollars every month by becoming a virtual assistant. Check out Virtual Assistant Jobs at Indeed.com


The job of a Transcriptionist is to convert audio files into written files. For this job, you will need a lot of patience as well as a good PC for typing and good headphones to listen to the audio files. Why we say you will need patience is for the fact you will spend long periods of time listening to the audio files and then writing the content with minimal mistakes.

Transcriptionists can make as much as $9-$21 per hour however for specialist transcription jobs for the medical and legal profession you can earn a lot more. Check out Transcriptionist jobs here

Website Designer

Anything associated with the internet it is possible to do from home and make money. In fact, you can actually make a lot of money working from home if you have website designing abilities, knowledge of programming, or graphic design abilities.

As long as you possess the right tools and you can market your services you will be inundated with work. You can start by checking out the freelance platforms such as Fiverr.com and Upwork.com. These websites offer a global platform for web services specialists to connect with potential buyers and make a good living income from home.

Final Words

Working from home and earning a good income is easy. In fact, you can work from anywhere as long as you can provide a service that is in demand and you can deliver the results.

Learn how to market yourself online and with every job always go the extra mile and deliver beyond the expectations. Also, beware of thousands of online scams pretending to be the real deal. We hope this article has given you some food for thought to start a lucrative home-based business. Also, check out Part Time Home Based Work.

I hope you enjoyed this “Legit Ways To Make Money From Home” article if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Before You Go…

If you seriously want to earn money online at home and still not sure about how to start then click the banner below and check out the training platform and the community that got me started. And the best part is you can check out everything for FREE to decide if it is the right for you.

About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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3 Comments on “Legit Ways To Make Money From Home”

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