A Step By Step Guide To Affiliate Marketing

start an affiliate marketing business

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What if you could make money while you sleep? It is possible, and affiliate marketing is one of the most legitimate ways to earn money on autopilot.

Many people long for a life with no financial worries and they want to achieve it through affiliate commissions. But there is so much information out there it is dizzying to find your way through. This makes most people who want to earn an income through affiliate marketing fall for scams and lose money. But it does not have to be like that.

Affiliate marketing is easy as long as you know the fundamentals and put in the work. In this guide, you will learn the step-by-step process of starting a profitable affiliate marketing business on a budget. Let’s go!

Select a Niche

Keyboard with select a niche on a key

The first and most important step in affiliate marketing is niche selection. This is vital because the choice of a niche can make or mar your success. If you choose a lucrative but saturated niche, you will do more to make less. There are low-hanging opportunities in many small niches, but most beginners make the mistake of going for the popular ones forgetting the stiff competition they have to fight to make an income.

Niche selection requires deliberate planning, get some ideas by reading Best Niches For Affiliate Marketing. When you are choosing a niche, make sure you have a passion for that category of products. If you love exploring the outdoors, survival gear could be a great niche for you. A niche you are passionate and knowledgeable about is easier to survive in because it is easier to endure when you don’t get results.

Regarding passion and knowledge, can you comfortably churn out high-value content consistently for your audience? If the answer is no, then you may have to outsource your content creation needs to an expert, and that increases your running cost. Remember, content creation does not guarantee commissions. So, you need to choose a niche you are passionate enough to stay active in through thick and thin.

Also, you need to research the needs of the consumers in that niche and check for affiliate programs. There is no point choosing a niche with no affiliate offers. Make sure the affiliate programs are reliable and trustworthy.

Choose Affiliate Programs

Google Search

When you have chosen your preferred niches, the next step is to select affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are the food basket of affiliates, so you need to take your time and perform due diligence before picking programs or products to promote.

One way to assess the potential success of a program is by checking the number of affiliates and customers using it. If there are thousands of people on the program and the reviews are positive, the program is something right. You also need to consider the commission they pay.

Affiliate programs that pay huge commissions may not offer consistent payouts because of the high-ticket price of the offers. However, programs that pay lower commissions usually offer more consistent payouts as more people can afford to buy them.

Before choosing to promote ClickBank products, look for programs that offer over 50 per cent commission and that are in high demand. When promoting physical products, choose offers that pay over $40 commissions. The ideal commission for CPA programs should be above $1.

Another important factor to consider when choosing affiliate programs is the quality of the products and services. The internet does not forget, so you need to be careful what you associate with or promote. Make sure everything you tell your audience about a product or service you are promoting is correct.

If you are promoting make money online products on ClickBank, you must perform due diligence as there are thousands of low-quality products and outright scams on that platform. If you have not used the product before, be upfront with your users and make no claims you cannot verify independently.

The best affiliate programs offer 24/7 support for affiliates. If a program promises jumbo commissions but provides no contact details, there is something fishy about that product or service.

Get An Affiliate Website

Your affiliate website is your office as an affiliate marketer. Building a site is easy and you can choose from a wide range of platforms, but the best among them is WordPress. WordPress does not require you to know programming or tech-savvy as it comes with an easy set-up and user-friendly CMS. While WP is free to use, you need to buy a domain name.

Want Cheap Domains Banner

Your domain name is the URL of your website. It is important to choose a short, simple and descriptive domain name that tells users about your products or services. It helps if the URL is memorable.

Also, you need to buy hosting. The hosting is like a house for your site. It is where all the files on your website are stored. Thankfully, you can now get quality website hosting for $3.95 per year. Note that the quality of your hosting directly affects the load speed of your website, so consider investing in a reputable hosting service.

Once you have bought your domain and hosting, install a content management system like WordPress or SquareSpace.

There are many other options but WP is the most user-friendly, and it has the largest number of themes, plugins and add-ons to help optimize your website.

Setting up WP is easy, but it can still be impossible for some people. If your aptitude for techy things is below a WordPress setup, you can hire a professional or ask a friend to help you out.

Content Creation

Content is king

Once you have set up your website, create valuable content that resonates with your audience. After niche selection, content creation is the most important success factor in affiliate marketing, and that is why industry experts say content is king.

The type of products or services you promote determines the content you produce. Product reviews are one of the most popular affiliates marketing content.

Although some people say reviews no longer work, this is far from the truth. With the continued proliferation of e-commerce, people who want to buy products and services online always look for unbiased reviews before deciding to buy.

As an affiliate marketer, your job is to position yourself between top quality offers and people who want to buy them by creating in-depth reviews that answer all their questions. You only need to add affiliate links at strategic locations in your reviews to make commissions.

If you are an authority or subject matter specialist in a particular field, blog content is a powerful medium of earning affiliate commissions. Answer common problems people face in that area, provide industry updates, and offer valuable insights that will help your target audience make better decisions.

Lead magnets are appetizers to encourage users to join your email list. It can be a gift in the form of an eBook, course, or a trial version of a product.

It is easy to create content if you are knowledgeable about your niche. However, you can outsource the job to freelancers on up work and Fiverr. But you get what you pay for.

Establish Authority And Build A Large Following

Board with the words build authority with your content

If your content creation strategy is tight, you won’t have issues building an audience. Keeping your audience engaged with valuable and interesting content will not only endear you to them, but they won’t hesitate to hand you their credit cards. A satisfied audience can be a reliable source of traffic. They will share your posts; refer friends and families and more.

Besides creating excellent content on your website, you can increase the reach of your business by promoting content on social media, guest posting on blogs and websites with high inbound traffic, and building an email list. Organic SEO and paid advertising can also increase your visibility. However, it is not advisable to use paid ads when you are new to affiliate marketing, except you have a large budget.

Promote Affiliate Offers

Once you have your content creation game going strong and your audience sees you as a valuable and reliable source of credible information, monetize your site. Product reviews are still the top technique for promoting affiliate offers. Make sure you are as factual as possible in your reviews and include your affiliate links. Banner ads, emails, discounts and promos are other ways of promoting affiliate offers.

Be Patient and Resilient

Good things take time next to a clock face

At this point, you have covered everything you need to do as an affiliate marketer. The rest is to repeat and fine-tune your processes and be patient enough to see your efforts yield results. It is important to continue delivering valuable, high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

Keep positioning yourself as an authority in your niche and don’t stop even when things don’t work. With time, the commissions will start rolling into your account, and you will finally be making money while sleeping.

I hope you enjoyed this Step By Step Guide To Affiliate Marketing if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Before You Go…

If you seriously want to earn money online at home and still not sure about how to start then click the banner below and check out the training platform and the community that got me started. And the best part is you can check out everything for FREE to decide if it is the right for you.

About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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4 Comments on “A Step By Step Guide To Affiliate Marketing”

  1. Hi Moni, thank you for your step by step guide to affiliate marketing. I’ve started to build my website just recently. Your guide can help a lot to fill in some holes in my arsenal of knowledge about affiliate marketing. I hear it’s a fantastic business to be a part! Many people are making a fine living from affiliate marketing, and I’m looking forward to becoming one. I’m sharing this post on Pinterest because I’m building my following there among others.

    1. Hi Ivan, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.

      I am happy to hear you found the guide helpful and thank you for sharing the article on Pinterest.

      Ivan, in my opinion, affiliate marketing provides an excellent opportunity for anyone to start an online business for next to nothing. Affiliate Marketing truly creates a win-win situation for everyone from the vendor to the affiliate marketer to the customer and this is the main reason I love affiliate marketing. I believe in life businesses should create a win-win situation for all concerned!

      Wish you much success with your new website.

  2. That’s useful info. I think you nailed it when you said “reviews don’t work” is totally wrong. Reviews do work… as long as they are ethical and not a disguised sales pitch.

    Patience and perseverance are definitely the key factors… I think I read somewhere that 90% of affiliate marketers give up within 90 days… the rest persevere and enjoy varying degrees of success.

    1. Hi Owen, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      You are 100% right my friend reviews do work provided they are unbiased and not disguised as a sales pitch!

      Sadly, most affiliate marketers don’t see success as they do give up within 90 days.

      I always say you need to give your business a minimum of one year before seeing any sort of success. This applies to offline business as well as online business.

      Taking the right action and giving your business time to grow is the only way you will see success in your business.

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