Complete Guide To Webtalk: What Is Webtalk?

What is webtalk

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When a website claims ‘goodbye social media’, you know they’re going to be ambitious in their market. Over the past decade, websites like Twitter and Facebook have almost reinvented society. For most of us, it’s a struggle to stay off social media for even a couple of hours throughout the day. For a website to then claim you won’t need it at all, our attention is piqued. So, what is Webtalk? What does it offer? Is it worth using? We’re going to answer all of these questions (and more!) here!

What Is Webtalk?

Starting with the basics, Webtalk is a new website offering a ‘smarter’ way of managing your relationships. However, a quick look on the website will only tell you a little; for example, the platform uses searchable tags, we can organise our data, and control the news we see. To learn more, we have to watch the video; this is where we learn the finer details of what’s on offer.Detective looking through a large magnifying glass at a question mark

Essentially, Webtalk is a combination of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and your own website. In the video, they focus heavily on communication and managing relationships with friends, family, colleagues, employees, clients, etc. Rather than having everybody in one place, the user can create groups; this then controls who sees certain posts.

For example, a picture of your day at the beach can be sent to your personal profile while work-related posts will be sent to the professional profile. Overall, it looks extremely detailed with options to add new contacts to specific groups such as potential clients or prospective employees.

Like LinkedIn, however, users can also create a virtual resume and professional presence online. In addition to creating a resume, there are sections for certifications, degrees, portfolios, videos, and more. For those trying to enter the world of business, especially freelance workers, it seems Webtalk could be a great way to show off work and communicate with clients.

Making Money

You may be here because you heard there were opportunities to make money with Webtalk. If so, you’re right and this is because of a service called ‘SocialCPX’. As we’ve seen before, this is one that allows users to help the company to make money (and in return earn commission).

Let’s break down the different packages before then looking at the commission structure.

Webtalk Packages

Free – To get started and use the basics of the platform, you won’t have to pay a penny. If you’re looking to make money, there are three different packages.

Pro – $200 annually or $20 a month – For the smallest of the three, you’ll receive 500 contacts, 5 email messages, 5 messages to non-Webtalk members, and an opportunity to see who looked at your new profile.

Pro Plus – $300 annually or $30 a month – For $10 more per month, the number of contacts received doubles to 1,000, the number of emails doubles, and the number of messages to non-Webtalk members does the same.

Pro Platinum – $400 annually or $40 a month – For those who want to go all out and receive unlimited contacts, $40 will buy 20 email messages and 20 messages to non-Webtalk members. Furthermore, members can be searched specifically by gender and age; all profiles can be viewed secretly too so they won’t be aware of your searching.

Webtalk Commission Structure

Since there are various aspects to Webtalk and various products on sale, the amount of commission earned will depend on what has been sold. For example, the main selling point will be the premium subscription and you can earn 10% of the fee so long as they follow the protocol and you personally referred them.

Elsewhere, 10% can also be earned on all advertised local services who use the Webtalk platform and on all ad budgets spent.

For the most part, these will be where the majority try to make their money. This being said, 5% commission is available when your referrals lead to app subscription sales (through an in-house app store).

Finally, if your referral clicks on a link in their news feed and buys a product, between 2% and 9% can be made per purchase.

Although it can be a lot to take in at first, hopefully, we’ve now answered the basics of ‘what is Webtalk?’. Users can just take advantage of the social side of the platform, or they can attempt to make money from it too. If you find success on the affiliate side of things, a residual commission can be earned for up to five levels (i.e. if you get someone on-board and they then get someone on their team, this is two levels).

Pros Of Webtalk
Thumbs Up

No Cost – First and foremost, although we’re used to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn being free, it’s still good to know we don’t have to pay anything to start building those connections. If you want to join the affiliate program, this is different and the platform hasn’t been out long enough to show whether $40 a month is a good deal (the website is actually still in ‘Beta’).

Efficient – In the past, we’ve seen plenty of stories of people losing their jobs because they posted on social media forgetting a colleague or even their boss was one of their ‘friends’. Of course, we aren’t saying this platform is only good for pulling sick days successfully but there’s something to be said for keeping personal and professional lives separate.

Build Contacts – If you’re a freelance worker or own a small business, this platform could prove essential for building contacts and communicating with clients. With opportunities to upload pictures as a graphic artist or Word documents as a writer, people around the world will see this portfolio and see your skill level within seconds.

Full Control – If we were to answer the question ‘what is Webtalk?’ in two words, we’d probably say ‘full control’. When posting, you’re in control of who sees the posts. If you’re advertising a vacancy and you have a group for prospective employees, they can be targeted with ease. Likewise, if you want to show your friends a picture of your dog in the park, all professional contacts can be avoided.

Owner Engagement – Finally, since Webtalk is still new, the founders are still extremely active when it comes to posting videos and helping people to get set up.

Cons Of Webtalk
Thumbs Down

Beta – As mentioned previously, the full release of Webtalk hasn’t happened just yet which means anybody who signs up will be working on a pre-release version of the website.

Unfortunately, this means we don’t yet know specifics and exact details about certain features. However, this is something that’ll be revealed in due time.

Confusing – Since the commission structure can be a little confusing, and since there are different rates for different tasks, this can be off-putting for new users. Especially for anyone who hasn’t got experience in the affiliate marketing niche, this could be a difficult first platform to test.

Overall Verdict

Whether you’re asking the simple question of ‘what is Webtalk?’ or you want as much information about the platform as possible, this review should give you a great starting point. Though, we haven’t yet addressed whether Webtalk is worth your time or worth your money.

With regards to the social part of Webtalk, you may have recognised certain features and drawn parallels between this and YourNight. Originally created in 2010, there were high hopes for this similar platform but the company was forced to shut the whole project down within the first year. Was it ahead of its time?Webtalk in a speech bubble

Currently, we don’t see why Webtalk can’t have a slice of the social media pie. If a handful of people sign up and start using the platform for personal and professional engagements, there’s no reason why that handful can’t turn into thousands and then millions.

For the affiliate marketing program, it’s still early days and we’ll be in a better position to assess this aspect once the full release occurs. Early indications are certainly positive, and it seems as though they’ve clearly thought about the commission structure. Rather than just generating commission for getting people to sign up, there are a number of ways to make money and this is always a positive.

As it stands, there are improvements required including the addition of an FAQ page on the website, a help menu, and more. For example, the landing page could be a little more exciting to really attract people to Webtalk. But, we must remember that it’s early days. While researching for this review, we actually read of somebody who contacted the CEO directly and got a reply saying that the team is working on all the issues we’ve mentioned.

Over the coming months, it’ll be interesting to see how Webtalk develops and, from early signs alone, it looks to be a useful addition for individuals, freelancers, businesses, and more!

I hope you enjoyed this Webtalk Guide, if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

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About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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12 Comments on “Complete Guide To Webtalk: What Is Webtalk?”

  1. I’ve recently joined webtalk. I haven’t done much with it yet. But I do like how when you add a friend, you immediately pick which social circle they’re in. It makes organizing your friend’s list easier.

    1. Hi Nicole, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
      You are right organising your friends’ list and work colleague list is much easier with Webtalk than Facebook.
      Wish you much success!

  2. I found Webtalk about a week ago and have been giving it a try for myself. I agree that it’s totally in the early days of this system so we can’t really tell if it’s going to “take off” like all the other platforms, however, I will give them the benefit of the doubt because so far they are doing everything right and because of that I will continue to use Webtalk for as long as I can 🙂

    1. Hi Brandon, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
      So far Webtalk seem to be doing the right things so let’s see where things go with Webtalk and their affiliate program.
      From what I have seen, so far, it looks like Webtalk has a bright future ahead of them.

  3. Hi Moni, thank you so much for breaking this information down. I’ve been hearing SO much about Webtalk lately and I never really understood it, but this has made things a lot clearer.

    I’m still on the fence about whether I should join, but I’m glad I understand it better now.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Stephanie, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I am happy to hear you found the review of Webtalk helpful. I was also on the fence about joining, however, after researching Webtalk I decided to join as it’s free to join.

      At this time I have no idea how well this Social network will do however it’s looking good for Webtalk.

      Wish you much success!

  4. A really interesting subject and a well thought out post. The idea of including a link to download as PDF is one that I haven’t seen before and is a tip that I will consider in my own site.

    1. Hi Adrian, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I am happy to hear you found the article helpful.

      We started using the downloadable PDF some time ago as people don’t always have the time to read the article they can download and read later. This feature has been very much appreciated by our readers.

      Wish you much success with your site.

    1. Hi Laurie, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I am happy to hear you found the information helpful. As I said in the article it is early days for Webtalk however it is looking good at this time. We will find out for sure later where Webtalk ends up.

  5. Hey Moni, thanks for your informative review about Webtalk.
    I joined Webtalk about 4 weeks ago. Their network design is one particular feature that impresses me. Having the ability to post funny stuff to just your friends & family then immediately switch your network to interact with business colleagues, I find extremely convenient & private plus it saves a boatload of time compared to scrolling through reams of information on timelines. Having full control over who sees what & when will transform the way we network in my view.

    Whether Webtalk’s SocialCPX Affiliate program is as lucrative as they promote, I’m not sure, however, if I do earn future revenue for simply inviting my friends & Social Media followers – happy days. If not, I’m very happy with how their platform presently operates in Beta. Exciting times ahead,

    1. Hi Simon, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I agree with you having full control of who sees what and when, in my opinion, is a great feature of this platform.

      As for the affiliate program, it’s too early to come to any conclusion and time will tell when they come out of beta.

      Exciting times ahead indeed.

      Wish you much success!

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