Free Website Promotion Mystery Revealed

Free Website Promotion

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Now that you have completed your website it’s time to promote it. Website promotion is something so many people skip, either because of ignorance or they just don’t understand why they should do it. Website promotion help increases traffic flow, establish your business on the internet, and improves your SEO. Search engines also need to know that you have arrived and available so they can crawl your site. The good thing is, you don’t have to pay to promote your website; just use these free website promotion ideas to get you started.

Google My Business

One of the best places to promote your website for free is Google My Business. It is a platform created by Google to help document companies all over the world so that customers looking for such businesses can easily find them. Just go there and fill all your information and you’re ready to go. Don’t forget to include your website URL since that is the primary aim.


BBB has been there for ages. It is an online review site where customers leave a review about a business, and to connect those companies with customers looking for them. The basic rule of BBB is trust. If people can trust you, then you can expect more patronage from them. BBB will help you find customers and improve sales.

Yellow Pages
yellow pages

One of the most significant advantages of using Yellow Pages is because it is localized and they have compelling SEO advantage. You can do free website promotion and take advantage of all the juicy benefits they offer. They also provide a listing for local market so customers can easily see you.


There is no limit to what you can do on Quora. In case you don’t know what it is, Quora is an online platform where people go to ask questions and get answers. As an expert in your field, you can provide quality answers to people’s questions, include your website URL, and get upvotes.

Ezine Articles
Ezine Articles

With ezine articles, you can do free website promotion by publishing articles people can read or copy on their website. Just look for any trending topics, write a good article about it, publish it, and include your website URL. You can publish as many articles as you want and add your URL in every occasion.


Yelp is the place where people go when they are looking for a recommendation for best services in the US. Whether you run a restaurant, own a clinic, or have a beauty salon, you can register your business on Yelp for free and ask your customers to go on and review you. The better reviews you get, the more people want to click on your website to know more about you and ultimately patronize you.

Trip AdvisorTrip Advisor

Trip Advisor is similar to Yelp, but specifically for people and businesses in the travel industry around the world. If you own a hotel, restaurant, bar, nightclub, or sell flight tickets, you should register and get your website here. This also is based on reviews, and positive reviews help you climb the top of the ratings so more people, including tourists and travelers, can find you.


Video has taken over the world, and if you’re not doing it, you’re missing out big time. You can do free website promotion on YouTube by creating interesting, engaging, educative, or informative videos that people will love. Add your URL in the description and inform people about it in the video so that they can find you.


Facebook has over 2.2 billion active users every month. You can take advantage of this massive number sitting just right there for you to grasp all for free. There are so many ways you can use Facebook to do effective, efficient, and result oriented free website promotion. You can add your website URL to your personal profile and change the setting so that anyone who visits your profile will see it there. You could also create a Facebook Page, for your business. Here you can add about us, your URL, phone number, and other details you want people to see.

You can also create a group and invite people with similar interests to come and share, connect, and explore. Once in a while, you can just offer freebies and use the opportunity to promote your website along with it. Facebook also allows you publish articles, which is another cool way to promote your site URL.

Free Press Release

Press releases work for so many people, and it will work for you. People are continually looking for products, services, and information that will add value to their lives and the first place they check is the press release sites. All you need to do is write your press release following all publishing instructions, add a link to your website and submit it. Most press release platforms like Free Press Release usually approve articles within 48 hours after which it will go live.


Reddit is a social network platform for news aggregation, and sharing of useful links, and engaging in discussions. Reddit allows registered members to post links and images, share information, take part in discussions, and review content. The best contents always get to the top of the pile through upvotes that are automatically controlled by the system.

To promote your website on Reddit first locate a section where they are discussing something related to your business. Once you see someone mentioned they need a solution to a problem, of which you know you provide, just share your link with them. Reddit content always remains there so people will continue to see your URL, and you can even show up in search results.


Instagram is the place to show your style and connect with people using images, text, and video. What makes Instagram different from the bunch is the ability to attract likes and loves, and reach more people when your content is shared. You can always add your website link to your Instagram post, your profile page, and even in the comment section so that people can get to you.


Pinterest is a social media platform where people pin their favorite images to boards they have created. Pinterest recently has become one of the most influential tools for SEO for two reasons. Image search is increasing. People are searching for things using images than ever before. Pinterest is also an SEO giant right now. Having a company profile where you share beautiful photos and engage with other users is one of the best ways to get free website promotion. So, make sure you use interesting, beautiful, and original images on your website, pin it on Pinterest, and then link your URL to it so people can find you through it.

When it comes to getting free website promotion using any of these methods, you need to create solid content. Spend time creating great content in form of articles, images, videos, audio, and podcasts. If you can do this and then place them on these platforms, people will be able to find you. Remember, when creating your content, think about your industry, what people are looking for, and the trends and use it to create the desired content. Your free website promotion depends strongly on it if you want to succeed.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions about free website promotion or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

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About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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4 Comments on “Free Website Promotion Mystery Revealed”

  1. Well you nailed some of my favorite ones: Youtube, Facebook, and Reddit. I have been using those three sites for sharing my content for a good bit now. This a great resource post on what everyone should be doing in 2018 to promote there online business. Thank you for the great read and awesome information.

    1. Hi Sean… thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I appreciate your kind words and I am happy you found value in the article.

      Feel free to share the article on Social Media or with your friends who may also benefit from the article.

      Wish you much success!

  2. I do already used some of these great marketing online solutions Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube to increase website traffic, thanks. There is also a solution to drive 1 million web traffic visitors to your website. Thanks

    1. Hi Dwight, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.

      Please share your solution for driving 1 million traffic visitors to the site. We will review it and if we feel it is worthwhile we will share with our readers.

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