How to Earn Money Online Blogging

How To Earn Money Online Blogging

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Today, we’re living in the golden generation of making money from home. In the past, you might have heard all the fantastic stories of people traveling the world while making money remotely and it’s not hard to feel jealous. Although the stories of making a million dollars ‘in one week’ should set the alarm bells ringing, there are now more people making a living online than ever before. Today, we’re covering the topic of how to earn money online blogging since this is one of the best opportunities you’ll find!

Step #1: Choose Your Niche

How To Earn Money Online Blogging

If you want to avoid the most common mistake in the very first step, forget about the money and the ‘most profitable niches’ for a moment. If you really want to learn how to earn money online blogging, think about your passions and the topics you could happily discuss every single day for the next period of your life.

Later, we’re going to show you how you can make money but this cannot happen if you don’t enjoy your niche. Why? Because the audience will notice your lack of motivation and you won’t have the drive to become an industry leader. Therefore, you need to start with topics you enjoy before then researching potential readerships and whether there’s an audience to target.

Step #2: Start a Blog

How To Earn Money Online Blogging

Although you might think these three words make it sound simple, starting a blog really doesn’t have to be as difficult as it once was. With several programs and platforms just waiting to help, you can start a blog with your own domain while choosing from an array of blog designs. As long as you choose the design that matches your niche, you can have a professional blog in no time.

Just a quick note on this step, we highly advise having your own domain name as opposed to running your blog through a third-party service otherwise you aren’t fully in control. Rather than having a blog through WordPress, host the blog yourself and install WordPress as a plug-in. With various self-starter platforms to guide you through the process, it really doesn’t have to be difficult.

Step #3: Start Writing

How To Earn Money Online Blogging

Once the foundations are in place, your next step will be to start writing your content and this is going to be the best way to attract visitors to your site. Therefore, it’s important you find your style of voice and personality as early as possible. During the early stages, feel free to experiment and express yourself in a way that feels comfortable. Often, bloggers sound too formal (and boring!) in their early blogs so have fun with it.

Remember, your readers will probably have an opportunity to read about your niche on hundreds or even thousands of different websites. What draws them to your blog and then keeps them there? Your character. If you can inform readers while also making them smile, you’ll soon build a strong following.

Step #4: Have a Presence

How To Earn Money Online Blogging

As the final step before we start talking about how to earn money online blogging, you need to have a presence online. Rather than just posting on your blog, open up channels on social media. While on this note, we should mention the importance of being active on the same platforms as your potential readers. If your average reader doesn’t have a huge presence on Instagram, it would be wasting your time to focus your efforts on this platform.

Every so often, advertise your latest blog posts but spend your time communicating with the community, being active in specialized groups that match your niche, and answer any questions that come your way. As you start to build a following on more than one platform, you’re seen as a leader in the niche and this will only get stronger as time goes on.

Moving away from social media, it could also be useful to work with other blogs in the community. If you can find a service that’s complementary to your own, why not guest post on each other’s blogs? Suddenly, you’ll access new readers and the two blogs will look more valuable together than they are apart. Ultimately, it’s about being creative and finding ways to reach out to your potential customers. All the while, you need to be producing high-quality content (with SEO), on a regular schedule, on your own blog.

Step #5: Make Some Money

How To Earn Money Online Blogging

Finally, we reach the pinnacle of online blogging. If you want to know the secret of how to earn money online blogging, it’s that you can’t just brush over the first four steps and then expect to earn money. When you open up income channels, this is the tip of the iceberg because all the hard work and long nights are under the surface providing a solid foundation.

Once you get to the point where you have numerous readers, you have an opportunity to make money in the following ways;

Selling Products – Do you have an idea for a product you could sell in your niche? If so, why not get in touch with a manufacturer and make it happen? If you don’t have any ideas for physical products, how about compiling all your knowledge into an easy-to-use eBook? Whether this is a guide, information booklet, advice, or step-by-step instructions, it allows you to make money long after it’s written and published.

Advertise Products – If you have enough readers, you might be approached by companies to advertise their products. Essentially, they’ll pay you for advertising space on your blog or they’ll pay you to test a product and write a review. With this technique, you need to be careful because advertising or recommending poor-quality products will soon lose the trust of your readers. If you’re going to choose this route, make sure you test the products extensively and feel happy to tie your name to the brand.

Affiliate Marketing – With sites like Amazon offering an affiliate marketing scheme, you can advertise the products on behalf of the brand and then earn commission for any reader who uses the link to buy the products. Once again, you need to test all products and put your stamp of approval on them but this is a great way to earn money. Soon enough, you can build fantastic relationships with companies in your niche and you don’t have to worry about stocking products or shipping them to customers.

Run Competitions – Although rare, this is actually a great way to boost your website, get a buzz around your brand, and make money all at the same time. As long as the prize is worth winning, lots of new people will see your social media channels and website. By the end, even some of the losers will purchase the product because they’ve built up the idea of owning it.

In order to update all readers of new ventures or projects, we recommend running a mailing list as well as using SEO in your content. After this, you can make money in numerous ways including:

  • Apps,
  • Software,
  • Consulting,
  • Printable Items,
  • Job Boards,
  • Podcast Advertising,
  • Newsletter Advertising,
  • Merchandise,
  • Courses,
  • Donations,
  • Freelancing,
  • Speaking,
  • Workshops,
  • Conferences,
  • Sponsored Posts,
  • And Many More…

With this, you should now know how to earn money online blogging so we wish you the best of luck this year!

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions about how to earn money online blogging or want to leave your own personal experience with blogging, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

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About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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4 Comments on “How to Earn Money Online Blogging”

    1. Hey Sunaina
      Thanks for dropping in and taking the time to comment.. appreciate it!
      I add 2-3 posts every week so come and visit us regularly.

  1. Great information! I have been trying to find a way to earn an income from home and there are just sooo many scams out there! Quite honestly it is hard to know which are actually real….probably very few….and which are scams. I can see how blogging would be great though. I feel that I would have a lot more control over this, and it will really depend on my time and effort. It also looks like I need to determine a really good niche. That seems to be the key to it, do you agree?

    1. Yes you need a good niche, however don’t get hung up on looking for a good niche.

      If you find the best niche and you have no interest in the subject you will not enjoy the journey and at the first sign of any challenge with your business you will more than likely give up on your dreams.

      My advice would be to first look at what you are passionate about and what you enjoy doing, build a business around your passion.

      From the mere fact that you are passionate and enjoy it you will find it easier to keep going while you are building your business. If you need help with this the 800,000 plus community at Wealthy Affiliate can help you work through this… if you have not seen the review of Wealthy Affiliate Click Here

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