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If you’re the proud owner of a website, whether you’re trying to sell a particular product/service or just entertaining people with a blog, you’ll know there are certain challenges that come your way. Initially, the idea of creating content for the first time can be daunting and then the problem becomes creating high-quality content consistently. However, there’s another issue many website owners have; how to find the best keywords for a website.
As we all know, keywords are an essential part of search engine optimization (SEO) and it’s been this way for many years. Despite the many changes in SEO through the years, keywords laid the foundations for the process and will always play a key role as a result. If you’re to find success within your niche, keyword research will be an important step but many struggle with the whole process…which is why we’re here today!
Importance of Keywords

When people are looking for a service of your type online, the journey begins with a simple search on Google (or another popular search engine). When we search ourselves, we trust the website to bring up the most relevant results and this allows us to have the most valuable experience. How do the sites know what web pages offer the best experience? Among other things, keywords and phrases.
Sure, search engines also use links and images to assess the experience of any given webpage but keywords provide the base. If somebody searches ‘green baseball bat’ into Google, the search engine will quickly review the websites that frequently mention green baseball bats because these are the sites most likely to hold the information the searcher is looking for. With keywords, these are the most commonly searched terms of all within your niche so it’s in your best interests to find the best keywords to integrate within your content.
Keyword Value
Before we look into methods of finding keywords, you first need to discover the value of a specific keyword. How do you know whether a keyword is important for your niche? How do you know which are the ‘best’ keywords? As mentioned previously, one way to find out is to review the most common keywords within your particular niche. Since these are searched the most frequently by people online, these are certainly strong keywords.
However, these keywords will also attract the most attention from other websites which means you’ll find it harder to reach the first couple of pages of search results. Therefore, some consider the ‘best’ keywords to be the ones that find the balance between searches and competition. If you can find keywords that have interest but with less competition than the most common keywords, this could be a great starting point to build your brand and website. With this in mind, let’s take a look at how to find the best keywords for your website.
Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Keywords
Step #1: Keyword Research Tool
By going through a process of extensive research, you could find your own keywords but this would take hours and it simply isn’t necessary any longer. Considering the many superb options we have available on the market today, we recommend looking towards these first. For example, we recently did a Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review which could come in handy.
Among other things, Jaaxy allows users to find the most important keywords within any given niche. Considered perhaps the most advanced keyword research tool in the industry, it’s a platform that appreciates the new keywords that seem to arise every day and utilizes this information rather than ignoring it or trying to fight it in some way. With a platform like Jaaxy, it allows you to reach the promise land of keywords that have little competition and this often allows businesses or affiliate marketers to get a foothold in the market.
At this point, volume doesn’t necessarily play a huge role because you’re focusing only on the keywords that apply to your niche. A little later, we’re going to talk about refining your keyword list and assessing the competition on each so don’t worry about volume if this is a statistic you have available. If you choose to go with Jaaxy, this is something you’ll have in your arsenal for later in the process.
During this phase, you should be looking to create a list of positive keywords you can start to use in the coming weeks. Rather than writing down one or two, build a portfolio of keywords so you aren’t throwing your eggs into just one basket. Why? Because, alongside the keywords, you’ll also get keyword variations you might not have
considered yourself.
With keywords, the different variations can be very important because many people use terms that are less obvious and something you wouldn’t even think of when doing manual research. If you’re the owner of a brand-new website, you don’t have historical information to use as a prediction of future trends so you need this portfolio of keywords to carry you into the next phase of operation.
Step #2: Refine the Keyword List
Once you have your list of keywords, this is great but it still has no value to you until you actually start using them. With your list handy, is every single one of them relevant to your niche? Will they be easy to integrate into content without looking glaringly obvious? Are they natural terms you could enter into content without disrupting the flow and tone of voice you use?

Step #3: Assess the Competition
Now, this is a key part of the process and one that many people forget. As a new business or affiliate marketer, you have to know when to fight and when to run away. If your niche is competitive, you’ll be wasting your time trying to compete on the most-searched keywords because there will be thousands of others trying to do the same thing. The more competition on a single keyword, the harder you’ll find it to stand out in the crowd.
As long as you choose the right program in the first step, you should have access to a number of statistics and this will tell you how likely you are to reach the first page of results. Furthermore, you can also find information regarding how much it’s costing to gain a single click. As long as you use the information available to you, there’s no reason why you can’t utilize the niche you’ve chosen and make progress in the market.
Over time, remember that keywords change and your niche is also likely to change. Rather than finding some keywords and then targeting these for three years, be willing to adapt to your market and keep up with the times. While a single keyword might provide the perfect balance at one point in time, it might increase in competition and become really tough to do well in just a few weeks later. If you stay on top, without having to do everything manually, you can keep pushing your website forward in all the right places.
Tips to Find the Best Keywords for SEO
To finish this ‘How to Find the Best Keywords for a Website’ guide, we want to provide you with some additional tips on how to use these keywords and how you can keep progressing over time.
Learn How to Use Them
First and foremost, the days of plastering a keyword all over content have now come to an end. Sure, in years gone by, it was simply a competition of which website could use a single keyword the most. Today, the whole process of SEO has moved forward and Google (and others) now concentrate on providing the best experience for all searchers. Rather than choosing the site with the most keywords, the search engines can calculate which sites offer the most valuable experience.
Let’s not forget, the only goal for the search engine is to provide all searchers with a great experience so they’re more likely to return in the future. If you can offer the best experience by utilizing keywords and many other tactics, you’ll find the first page of results.

Know Your Audience
Too often, we find businesses and affiliate marketers choosing keywords that fit their niche but not their audience. Before conducting keyword research, take a moment to consider your average visitor and what they’re looking for when they come across your website. If you haven’t already, you should have a profile for your average visitor and/or customer. With this profile by your side, you can use it for every decision you make from that moment forward.
What stage are you trying to catch these people in? Are they researching your industry? Are they looking for a product to buy? Are you trying to target them across all stages of the buying process? If you can map out their research process, you can catch them at the right stage, answer their questions, and provide a valuable experience to all who visit.
Analyze the Competition
When it comes down to it, SEO is all about ranking higher than the competition so we struggle to see how quite so many people forget to even consider the competition when performing keyword research. When creating a traditional marketing plan and even pricing your products/services, the competition is a key factor so why should this be any different in keyword research?
With a tool such as Jaaxy, the whole idea is to actually watch the competition, assess why their websites are performing so well, where they’re ranking, and how you can use this knowledge while going one step further to outperform the competition.
Combine Short and Long-Tail Keywords
Finally, there are two types of keywords and the difference between the two is steadily growing more important. In addition to the ‘head words’ which are your standard keywords, we also have long-tail keywords which are full questions and the like. For example, your shorter keyword could be ‘cooking chicken tips’ while the long-tail keyword is ‘how to add flavor to chicken when cooking’. If you manage to master both, this could be the best thing you do this year.
With the competition being so prominent in every single industry, it can be tough to get your SEO right but there are tools available to help. Furthermore, we advise taking your time because getting SEO right will allow your site to become accessible and visible to a large portion of your niche. If you need professional help, don’t be afraid to ask and feel free to read our Jaaxy review if you want to continue your research!
I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions about keywords or want to leave your own personal experience with keyword tools, leave a comment below.
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