Amazon Cash Websites Scam

Amazon Cash Websites Scam

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Amazon Cash Websites claims it is a new way to make money online through the e-commerce company of the same name. Amazon, the retail-killing juggernaut and its super-rich owner Jeff Bezos are both icons of everything prosperity. And that is why some unscrupulous people capitalize on the fame of the company to swindle unsuspecting individuals of hard-earned cash.

You might have received a random email telling you about this hot new way to become an internet guru through Amazon websites, but don’t fall for it. There are many websites that make these types of claim, but most are out to take your money and disappear. In this review, we look at what Amazon Cash Websites is all about, and whether you should be a part of the program.

What Is Amazon Cash Websites?

According to the website promoting the program, Amazon Cash Websites claim to be a work-from-home program designed to help you earn a living through Amazon. The promoters claim the opportunity requires no experience or skill sets. All you need to make money is a reliable internet connection and a laptop or mobile device to access the website.

Detective looking through a large magnifying glass at a question mark

With the Amazon Cash Websites, you can work anytime you want for as long or as little as you desire. They crafted the message carefully to evoke your emotions and become irrational. But its bait and you are the prey. Don’t fall for the gimmicks.

In the news article promoting this shady program, the writer talks about Chris Peters, a 37-year-old dad who lost his job in 2015 and how he achieved financial freedom. The program changed his life for the better after someone advised him to join for free. Today, Chris earns a cool $14k per month with this program. This would have been excellent news, except that it is false.

How does Chris make this whopping amount of money? Suddenly, Chris becomes financially independent, working at the time of his choice and spending quality time with his family thanks to a website he got from Amazon Cash Websites.

If making money online was easy, everybody will be in the league of Sam Ovens. But the article promoting Amazon Cash Websites, in our opinion, is a scam selling a fraudulent program. Don’t let this surprise you. Fraudsters can go to any length to give their schemes a cover of legitimacy. The reality is there is nothing new about the Amazon Cash Websites. It is a rehashed scam that has been around for a while, always coming back in a different package. Below, you will learn how this low-quality product works and why to avoid it.

How Amazon Cash Websites Work

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Amazon Cash Websites are built on the online affiliate marketing business model. As an affiliate, you make money when you promote the products and services of companies and vendors. Amazon has an affiliate program called Amazon Associates that you can join to promote products on Amazon for a commission. For that, you need a dedicated Amazon affiliate website designed for the company’s standards. It is difficult to meet the stringent requirements of Amazon, but you will enjoy the rewards when you do.

This is what Amazon Cash Websites try to do. They give you a website where you promote products and services but these websites are at a serious disadvantage. Affiliate marketing is a serious business and you need certain skills to excel in the industry. You need a quality and unique website, above average writing skills, excellent products or services to promote, and importantly a reliable traffic source.

Amazon Cash Websites goes on about making money without working, but this is misleading and false. If you don’t have the budget for paid traffic, the only option left is organic traffic. Anybody who has built a successful affiliate marketing business using organic traffic will tell you it takes time. This means you need to continue providing value for your audience and be patient enough to see your efforts germinate into affiliate commissions.

No system can warp the time to build a loyal audience, and it is a lot of hard work. The claim of Amazon Cash Websites that you only need one or two hours to make money with their website is not only misleading but dangerous. You have no business with this scheme.  

tired of scams

The Amazon Cash Websites is silent about what you will do to make money You only get to know of the affiliate marketing when you land on one of the program’s many sales pages. In the video promoting the program, the narrator mentions affiliate marketing several times during the presentation, alluding to the method the program uses to make money. Unfortunately, the narrator says nothing about the products or services you will promote to get paid.

A lot of details are missing in the presentation. The promoters continue to harp on how easy it is to make money with their website. But you will need over two hours per day to earn a living online, especially when you are starting. It is possible to make money on autopilot via the internet, but this is only possible when you have a system that takes care of everything you should have done manually. These include writing, running ads, website maintenance, product research and more. If you can’t outsource these tasks, get ready to soak yourself in the work until you earn enough to hire extra hands to help you. Until that time, you will not be making any $14k with a done-for-you program.

How Much Is Amazon Cash Websites?

The Amazon Cash Websites program goes for a small $47. But it doesn’t end there. They will bombard you with several upsells along the way. This program is built to enrich the owners and affiliates. So if you want to make money online, you are better off looking for credible, top-quality training elsewhere. Whenever you hear outlandish earning claims that requires no work, run as fast as you can because that is a telltale sign of a scam.

The Amazon Cash Website is one such a program. It was designed to fleece you of cash under the guise of a legitimate business. Guard your wallet and don’t let their sweet words sway you. Except you want to get burned.

Is the Amazon Cash Website a Scam?

Woman thinking with question marks all around her

There is no doubt about the fraudulent intentions of the Amazon Cash Websites. From making fictitious claims, using fake client photos, to hiding under the banner of Amazon, and many more irregularities, this program screams of scam to the high heavens. One of the biggest problems with this program is the many lies of its promoters. The affiliate marketing model is a tried and trusted method of making money online, so why hide the truth from your customers if you really want to help them achieve financial freedom?

It is impossible to make money with the Amazon Cash Websites. The program comes in different packages and websites, but they all have a common goal; to get into your wallet and disappear with your funds. Why would you want to lose money when you don’t have enough? Stay far away from Amazon Cash Websites because the program is a scam. 


I hope you enjoyed this Amazon Cash Websites Review if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

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About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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