The Oxford Club Reviews

The Oxford Club Reviews

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The Oxford Club is a financial publication that provides its members investment intelligence to optimize their profits and reduce risks. It is a private investment club that offers varieties of publications such as newsletters, reports and investment opportunities through its pool of investment and financial experts. The Oxford Club seems like a secret society for many outsiders, but there is nothing esoteric about the organization. While you pay to get their expert insights, the club has shown for over three decades it is a reliable source of financial and investment advice that members can depend on to make big gains. But you still need to do your due diligence.

What Is The Oxford Club?

Detective looking through a large magnifying glass at a question mark

According to the club’s website, the Oxford Club is a Baltimore-based independent financial publisher which offers members access to global opportunities for unprecedented returns, industry-leading investment strategies for maximizing profits and wealth preservation. The club has over 157,000 members in over 130 countries.

Aside the monthly newsletter, trading advisory and investment research services, the club also hosts symposiums, seminars, and investment excursions in different countries. But that is not all there is to know about the club. Let’s go back when the Oxford club was known as the Passport Club and beyond.

How The Oxford Club Began

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The Oxford Club is over 30 years old. The club traces its root to a group called The Merchants & Brokers Exchange, a brainchild of the American Gary Scott. Gary Scott sold insurance and mutual funds in Hong Kong during the 1970s and envisioned a group where like-minded people such as himself could gather and share thoughts and ideas about the changing economic landscape in Asia, particularly the Cultural Revolution in China. Soon the group started a branch in London.

Gary relinquished leadership of the group to Bill Bonner, the CEO of Agora, Inc., an industry giant in the financial and travel publishing company operating out of Baltimore, Maryland. It was Bill Bonner who in 1989 changed the name of The Merchants & Brokers Exchange into The Passport Club. He then recruited Julia Guth as Membership Director to bring in more people into the club and expand its services.

By 1991, the Passport Club transformed into The Oxford Club, after an investment and business publisher of the same name which Bonner bought. For Bill, the Oxford Club gave the Passport Club an Old World quality and a traditional appeal. This was the beginning of the now popular club which has been a consistent winner on the Wall Street Journal for more than a decade thanks to the sound investment advice of its experts, especially Chief Investment Director Alexander Green.  

What Does The Oxford Club Offer?

offering hands

According to the Oxford Club website, the club will provide several opportunities to create and preserve extraordinary wealth for its members.

The club has a simple mission of helping members grow and protect their wealth by sharing new ideas that give them a competitive edge in the investment landscape.

The organization is a private group where you can learn the best investment strategies to reduce loss, mitigate risk, and boost returns. But it’s not free.

Member Benefits

Members of the Oxford Club enjoy many benefits from the organization. As a member, you receive well-researched investment strategies and stock recommendations. You also network with some of the best minds in the investment and entrepreneurship landscape. The club also promises members the keys to monetary gain and financial freedom through enhanced investment returns that will secure their financial life forever. Also, you will enjoy personal achievement and be wealthy enough to give back to society. The club provides a community of goal-getters who share the same values about their financial life and business.

The Oxford Club has several outposts scattered all over the world. These properties epitomize everything luxury and affluence with their tastefully furnished interiors and choice locations. Two of these outputs include the Chateau de Courtomer in France and The Inn at Rancho Santana in Nicaragua. Club members get juicy discounts when they use any of these facilities.

Membership Costs

The Oxford Club is a subscription-based organization. The club has several publications and three membership categories including:

blackboard with the word costs and an arrow going through the word
  • Subscription for Financial Publications, Newsletters, and Investment Books: You pay $49/$79 per year based on your selection. The club provides a 45 Day refund period from the Sign Up date.
  • Premier Level: This comes with a $149 yearly subscription.
  • The price for the Directors Circle and Chairman Circle are not available to the public. You only know of the price after passing a screening process. 


The Oxford Club has several publications and financial advisory services, but we will look at only three here. The three include the Oxford Communiqué, the Oxford Income Letter, and the Strategic Trends Investor.

The Oxford Club Communiqué

The Oxford Communique logo

This is the most popular publication of the Oxford Club written by its Chief Investment Strategist, Alexander Green. Alexander Green is an influential figure in the investment industry, and his book on investment has always topped S&P 500’s projections every year since publication. He has over 20 years’ experience as an investment advisor, research analyst, financial writer and portfolio manager.

This newsletter is a compilation of Alex’s thoughts on the market and his latest investment tactics. The newsletter appears on the Club’s site and also has a printed version. Also, the Club sends out email copies of a weekly Oxford Communiqué Portfolio Update to keep members posted on the most important happenings in portfolios.

The Oxford Income Letter

The Oxford Income Letter logo

This newsletter is sent at the beginning of each month. It is written by the Club’s Chief Income Strategies, Marc Lichtenfeld. In this publication, Marc narrates how to leverage dividends and other income-yielding strategies with his proprietary 10-11-12 system.

There is also a Oxford Income Weekly that provide updates on the key points within the four portfolios of The Oxford Income Letter’s and other trends important to your investment strategy.

Strategic Trends Investor

Startegic trends investor logo

This publication provides members investment snippets before the public gets a whiff of what’s happening. The Club, through its many experts finds market patterns and trends that show promise of huge returns and this newsletter is the organization’s way of alerting its members of the opportunity.

It is the product of collaboration between Energy and Infrastructure Strategist David Fessler and Emerging Trends Strategist Matthew Carr. They offer in-depth industry insights on the best investments in a wide range of sectors.

Can You Really Make Money with The Oxford Club?

The Oxford Club is a well-recognized financial publication outfit. Its experts and strategists are some of the best in the industry with many having over 2 decades’ experience on Wall Street. There is no doubt about the club’s value-adding insights and comprehensive market research.

Young lady holding fanned bank notes in her hands

However, there have also been complaints about the organization’s conduct from disgruntled members. There are about 51 complaints on the Better Business Bureau regarding the treatment of members.

Many of the complaints are about refunds and strategies that don’t work. Some members complain that after paying hefty fees for the club’s advisory services, they lost money because of the faulty advice from its experts.

Some members also complained about the refund process. However, the club showed magnanimity and understanding in dealing with most of the complaints and resolving them amicably.

You can make money with advice from the Oxford Club. However, like all financial advisory services, you are responsible for any action you take thereafter. Due diligence is important at all times regardless of the qualification of any financial advisor. So, take their advice, do your research, and follow your gut. 

I hope you enjoyed this The Oxford Club Review if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

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I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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2 Comments on “The Oxford Club Reviews”

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