How To Earn Income Online

how to earn income online

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The new battleground of commerce in the world is the internet. A couple of decades back who could have ever imagined a time in the history of mankind when everything in our lives would revolve around one thing; the internet. Alas, here we are today with around half the population of the world elaborately connected to the web in one way or the other. The internet has brought about a paradigm shift with the globalization of electronic commerce and every day countless people are now starting to ask how to earn income online.

The web is the brand new frontier for businesses and those businesses failing to evolve are in the danger of becoming extinct as has already been witnessed by companies such as Blockbuster. Today, millions of people are making huge amounts of cash through online business enterprises, the internet is a real money-spinning machine. It is now possible for individuals to create active or passive earnings to not just cover their monthly bills however to also generate enough profits to expand or even to start another offline business.

Depending on your passion it is possible for you to generate a full-time income online or you could do a side hustle and still keep your day job. In this short article, we will talk about the numerous methods through which you can make money online. However, first, we want to clear some misconceptions about earning money online.

It Is Easy To Generate Money Online


Yes, it is possible for anyone to make money online however to say it is easy to generate money online, nothing could be further from the truth. Think about the hard work, stress, energy, and sacrifices you have to make in an offline business before it becomes a full-fledged business and starts to give you profits. It is true that an online business does not need the same infrastructure of an offline business however to survive the murky waters of online business still requires commitment, tenacity, and strength of purpose.

Sadly, in life nothing is free and you would be mistaken if you think you can out in a little amount of effort and make a huge amount of cash. So, clearly understand right from the start, it’s not going to be easy, however, if you are prepared to do what most people are not prepared to do you could be living the life that most people only dream of.

You Have To Learn New Skills

You may have heard the saying, “What got you here can’t get you further”. This is also true for internet businesses and you need to keep learning and always be on your guard. The internet is one of the most dynamic developments in man’s history and even as we type this piece new developments are going live on the internet. If you don’t want to lose out on new and better opportunities don’t allow yourself to become outdated. A very important element of becoming successful online or even offline for that matter is to continually enhance your abilities and proficiency so as not to become irrelevant to your audience.

Be Persistent

One of the most essential ingredients to successfully earning a good online income is being persistent. However, if you put yourself on a path for which you have no passion it is very challenging to be persistent. For this reason, the specific niche you choose must resonate with you and excite you enough to carry you through the temporary setbacks and keep you going until you see success.

Methods For Generating An Online Income

There are numerous methods for earning income online and some of the most common ways individuals make money online are through:

  • Blogging
  • Freelancing
  • Online Shops
  • Affiliate Marketing

Nothing can stop you from creating a successful internet business if you are ready and willing to learn these methods and put in the effort required. Let’s now discuss some of these methods to earn income online.



There is a good chance that as a regular web user you have your favorite one or two blogs you follow. Blogs are in fact one of the most effective ways of generating not good but amazing income online. If you have knowledge in any particular field or occupation you can become a blogger. A blog is nothing more than a medium that can be used to share thoughts and opinions on issues using blog posts. As a blogger, you must continually update your blog with fresh content for your audience.

To become a blogger simply select your specific niche and start providing valuable content to engage your audience. Now you may be thinking how will just writing blog posts generate an income for me? Good question, blog sites earn money through various money-making methods. These consist of:

  • Product Reviews,
  • Contextual Advertising such as Pay per Click,
  • Affiliate marketing,
  • CPA and CPM, and numerous others.
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To begin your blog site, you will require a domain name and hosting for your blog. Once your blog is set up and you have created some content for your blog the next step is to make sure your blog is seen by your target audience as without traffic your blog will not survive.

Some ways in which you can drive traffic to your blog are through SEO, Paid Ads, and by being active on social media. With the right strategies and resilience, it is possible for you to create enough income to quit your day job and become a full-time blogger.



Every day more and more individuals are choosing this new way of working. Becoming a freelancer allows you to become your own boss and you have the freedom to choose who to work for and you decide when to work. If you have a sellable skill that individuals and companies are willing to pay for you can become a freelancer. Some high selling freelancing skills consist of:

  • Website Design
  • App Development
  • Writing and Translation
  • Animation and Video Editing
  • Logo Design
  • Resume and CV Writing
  • Research
  • Virtual Assistant, and so on

There are numerous freelance platforms online that you can register with and these platforms connect freelancers with clients. These freelance platforms act like middlemen who take the money for the job from the client and pay the freelancer after delivery of a satisfactory job. 

If you choose to become a freelancer and don’t wish to use these freelance platforms you can set up your own website and offer your services directly to customers. Setting up your own website gives you the means to connect with potential clients and puts you on the path to becoming your own boss and having financial freedom. Remember to sharpen your skills as you will need to be highly skilled in what you do to excel as a freelancer.

Online Stores

Online Stores

The web provides an unmatched opportunity to offer products and services to a worldwide audience. As the internet is not limited by geography and border delineations this gives online marketers an opportunity to open an online store and sell physical products to purchasers from all around the world. You can sell clothes, shoes, fashion jewelry, electronic devices, IT devices, and physical fitness equipment. In fact, you can sell pretty much any product you can think of.

It is also possible to set up and operate an online store to market your products through existing mega-sites such as eBay, Amazon, Big Commerce, Alibaba, and Shopify. Other effective platforms used by internet marketers to sell beauty products and other related items are Facebook Page and Instagram Page. If you play your cards right you could be on your way to making huge amounts of cash.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is actually one of the most popular ways of earning online income. Affiliate marketing truly creates a win-win situation for all parties concerned, from the vendor of the product to the affiliate marketer to the end consumer. All benefit in one way or another.

This is how it works; all online businesses need customers so they create affiliate programs to reward individuals for bringing customers to them. Let’s assume you have a health and fitness blog and you sign up with a health equipment company to promote their products. You will be given a unique link for a product to promote on your blog. You simply use the link and recommend the product. When your site visitors click the link and go to the online health equipment store to buy the product you will get an agreed percentage of the selling price as a commission. Commissions do vary for different products however you can earn as much as 75% of the selling price in commission.

There are literally millions of affiliate programs available for almost every niche and for digital products that offer the highest commissions you can check out Clickbank and Warrior Forum. Some of the most profitable niches include Make Money Online and Health and Fitness.

To become an affiliate marketer you will need some skills. Some people say you can do affiliate marketing without a website however if you want to become a successful affiliate marketer our advice would be to set up your own website and then start writing about the products you want to market. This is where hard work comes in however it pays more, and if you really want to step up and take it to another level create your own product and get other affiliates to promote the product for you.

As we are talking about Affiliate programs, we highly recommend the Wealthy Affiliate program if you are thinking of signing up with an affiliate program. In our opinion, Wealthy Affiliate does provide the best opportunities for their affiliates. You can build your own website in less than one minute and use the best affiliate training to turn your passion into a thriving online business.

Learn more:
How To Learn Affiliate Marketing Online
How To Start Affiliate Marketing Business

Before You Go…

If you seriously want to earn money online at home and still not sure about how to start then click the banner below and check out the training platform and the community that got me started. And the best part is you can check out everything for FREE to decide if it is the right for you.

About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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2 Comments on “How To Earn Income Online”

  1. Hi, Moni. Informative and useful article. It’s not easy to earn money online, but if you work hard in the right way, it’s not too difficult.

    Thanks for sharing useful advice to learners!

    1. Hi Mike, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I agree with you Mike the key is to find a good platform and learn how to make money online the right way and remember it does require hard work which sadly a lot are averse to.

      However, for those that put in the hard work and stick with it do find the success they deserve.

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