What Is JVZoo About?

what is jvzoo about

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JVZoo is an online SaaS (Software as a Service) platform for promoting and selling digital products such as eBooks and videos. As a member of the JVZoo marketplace, you can list, promote, and sell your digital products on the JVZoo website. The most popular way of making money on the JVZOO website is as an affiliate earning commissions by helping other marketers promote and sell their products. There is a wide array of niches supported by the JVZoo platform, and the possibilities are almost endless.

Launched in 2012, JVZoo is the brainchild of E Brian Rose, Chad Casselman, and Bryan Zimmerman who formed BBC Systems. The company is based in Oviedo, Florida, with offices in Mississippi and South Carolina. JVZoo is open to everybody around the world.

Is JVZoo A Legitimate Business Or A Scam?
legitimate or scam

JVZoo is a full-fledged legitimate business that operates an affiliate program where marketers from all over the world can list and sell their products or earn commissions as an affiliate selling the digital products of other marketers. However, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t unscrupulous people who list fake products on the platform with the aim of fleecing unsuspecting buyers.

Can You Make Money On JVZOO?

Yes! That’s the reason for the platform in the first place–to empower digital marketers to make more from their products. However, you need some level of marketing knowledge if you want to make the most of the platform. Before you venture into JVZoo, it’s important to have the requisite knowledge of the industry to avoid the many pitfalls on the platform. It’s better to join a reputable affiliate marketing program that can teach you the nitty-gritty of affiliate marketing.

The best way to make money on JVZoo is by marketing and selling your products as this gives you total control of the process. But this may not be easy for a newbie as you need to build infrastructures such as a mailing list, websites for the promotion of your products, writing skills, and others. Newbies can make money from JVZoo by joining an affiliate program to promote and sell other people’s products. But in doing so, you have to be extremely cautious about the products you want to promote as many scams are being peddled on the platform as genuine products.

JVZoo only provides a platform that marketers use to promote and sell their products; the website doesn’t vet or filter listed products for their authenticity. This means that you are solely responsible for marketing only genuine products if you want to make money on the platform in the long term. If you market scam products, you are still going to make money.

However, customers who bought the fake product through your affiliate link will never buy anything from you in the future, and your reputation will take a huge dent for the rest of your time on the platform. Thus, you should do your research and ensure due diligence on any product you want to promote as an affiliate. This will ensure that you promote and sell only genuine products so that you can build a strong reputation over time to become a high-flying vendor.

Additionally, you should always spell out the full details of the products you promote. If a product includes an upsell, you must ensure to state it clearly in the product description so that buyers won’t feel shortchanged after buying the product only to find out they need to cough out extra cash to enjoy the full package. This makes it imperative to test your products extensively before promoting and selling them to other people.

All these can be avoided when you make your products and promote and sell them on the JVZoo platform. That way, you are sure of your products’ authenticity, you gain the trust of your customers, and you make more money.

How Much Can I Make On JVZoo?
time money

You can make as much as you want on JVZoo, provided you are willing to put in the efforts and sacrifice. You can earn as much as 50 percent affiliate commission on most products listed on JVZoo. But be sure to carefully scrutinize any product you wish to promote and sell no matter how enticing the affiliate commission as there are thousands of scams out there.

It helps if you have a deep knowledge of how affiliate marketing works. If not, it’s advisable to join a top-rated affiliate marketing program to equip yourself with expert knowledge to increase your chances of success in the money-spinning industry.

What Are the Common Complaints About JVZoo?

Like everything in life, there are two sides to everything, and JVZoo is no exception. Most people don’t have issues with the company.

However, there are many complaints about the quality of the products listed on the website. This is partly due to the lack of a vetting process for the products on the platform. This is why it’s important to do your research before promoting any products on the site.

Pros Of JVZoo

  • JVZoo offers free membership to everybody all over the world.
  • JVZoo pays your commissions instantly via PayPal. However, some vendors will only pay after the refund period to avoid paying affiliates when a customer asks for a refund.
  • JVZoo helps you make more money with its Cookies policies. When a client buys products through your link on JVZoo, the site saves the cookies, and you earn a commission when the same customer makes another purchase on JVZoo through the same device.
  • JVZoo makes it easy to sell your products or promote listed products from other vendors.
  • You can earn as high as 50 percent affiliate commissions on most products listed on JVZoo.
  • JVZoo offers a wide range of tools to monitor the performance of your products.
  • JVZoo provides opportunities in a highly diverse range of niches, making it possible to choose from as many products as you would like to promote.
  • They offer a highly professional and responsive customer service that helps to solve affiliates’ challenges on the platform.

Cons Of JVZoo

  • JVZoo is full of many scam products. Whether you are buying or selling, it’s important to be alert to the details of the product before shelling out your time and money.
  • You are at the mercy of vendors as you need to apply being admitted into an affiliate program.

JVZoo User Interface

The user interface of the JVZoo website looks ordinary but highly functional. While the sight is not the best regarding aesthetics, navigation is easy, and every information is readily available.

Is JVZoo The Same As Clickbank?
jvzoo clickbank

JVZoo and Clickbank are both affiliate websites, but Clickbank is the biggest player in the industry. However, JVZoo offers affiliates instant payment, which is one of their biggest selling points.

Additionally, JVZoo also automates the marketing process by providing a sales funnel, secure download, hit tracking, autoresponder integration, and payment processing for a small fee.

JVZoo is one of the biggest players in the affiliate marketing landscape and offers affiliates and vendors many opportunities to make huge sums of money. However, you need to learn what it requires to be a top affiliate marketer and you will make it big selling your products or marketing the products of other vendors on the JVZoo website.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions about JVZoo or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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6 Comments on “What Is JVZoo About?”

  1. Thank you for the detailed and informative post. I assume that the analytical review you have provided is very valuable, and it helps everyone to make a personal decision regarding joining the program.

    Before joining any affiliate program, it is important to know pros and cons, and it is a great advantage if someone has done it for you. Great collection of very valuable information.

    1. Hi Nadja, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment and I appreciate your kind words.

      I am happy to hear you found the article helpful.

      You are 100% right before joining any affiliate program get to know the pros and cons so you have knowledge of the product/service the vendor is selling.

      You must feel comfortable when you are promoting the product or service as it is your reputation that is on the line. I always say would you feel comfortable promoting the product to your mother or loved one and if the answer is yes then you have a good product to promote to your readers.

      Wish you much success!

  2. I had never heard of JVzoo before, but it is definitely worth investigating and trying out 🙂 I am all for multiple streams of income, and this seems like it would be a nice addition. I will heed your advice and just be careful with the products 🙂

    1. Hey, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      I am happy to hear you found the article helpful.

      I would say not just with JVzoo in fact with any affiliate program you want to be careful with the products you choose to promote to your readers. At the end of the day, it’s your reputation on the line.

      Best wishes

  3. Hey Moni, JVZoo sounds legit through and through however the amount of scam products appearing on their platform rather puts me off.

    To make a success of affiliate marketing on the JVZoo platform, I would imagine honesty is key to scrutinise each product legitimately pointing out all the positives and pitfalls especially whether there’s any upsells involved, then visitors fully understand what’s being promoted.

    In time you are bound to establish yourself as a reputable and trustworthy affiliate but I would imagine conversions would be slow to start until confidence is gained. I like the way they pay immediate commissions, that’s unusual.

    Personally, I prefer the Wealthy Affiliate business model to affiliate marketing.

    All the best,

    1. Hi Simon, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

      Simon you are absolutely right the number of scam products appearing on JVzoo is of concern however, the good news is as most people pay with PayPal they are well protected through PayPal’s customer protection policies.

      I also prefer Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform for the simple reason that it provides a platform where you have access to these 3 ingredients for success (Education, Websites and Expert help). The best part is anyone can start out with the Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership which is COMPLETELY FREE. Then in time if they want to improve your skills they can take advantage of the Premium features.

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