How To Get MLM Prospects Online

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Leads are vital to the success of any business, but they are the major lifeline of any MLM business, without which the enterprise cannot even take off. For people involved in MLM and other network marketing businesses, a steady flow of prospects is the most important factor if they are ever going to make money.

The sad truth, however, is that the majority of network marketers treat the business as a quick way to get easy cash. But this cannot be further from the truth. Irrespective of the type of MLM business you are into, you need to put in unrelenting effort to win more leads every day. That’s the only way to guarantee your survival and profitability in the business.

One of the best sources of prospecting for MLM is the internet, with billions of prospects actively engaged on MLM Gateway Bannersocial media platforms which have become an extension of our daily lives. Your job now is to harness the power of the internet to win prospects for your MLM business over and over again.

Never has prospecting been easier with the advent of the internet and the capabilities it provides for networking.

While the internet is an excellent source of generating leads, it’s also important to understand your potential prospects. The following can help make your online prospecting more effective.

Who Is Your Potential Buyer?

Your first job is to identify your potential buyers. What are you selling? Will they be willing to buy it? Answering these questions will give you an idea of your target market.

Where Is Your Market?

You can’t hit a target you can’t see, can you? Using classified ads or pitching your products to everyone around you may be a waste of time. You should do your research to identify where your potential buyers are.

If you are selling fitness and wellness products, the most likely place to find your clients are gyms and fitness studios and that’s where you should be talking to people.

Provide Value
Man holding up a card with the word Value

Most people are extremely wary of parting with their cash if what you are selling adds no value to their lives. Rather than showing off the excellent features of your offering, why not demonstrate what your potential customers are missing by not buying your product? If it helps them solve a problem, they will be willing to buy.

If you are clear about who your potential customers are and where to find them, you can use the following methods to prospect for your MLM.

Build A Personal Website

A lot of MLM companies provide their network marketers websites, and some will let you build your own to promote their products. However, some only allow you to use their sites for all promotional activities. If your company permits it, you should build a personal website for your network marketing business.

Not only will it give you increased exposure, but a website will also make you unique and more professional, an edge that helps you win more clients. You can even make a website covering a subject related to your product if your company won’t allow you to build a personal website to market their products.

So if you sell fitness products, you can float a website about supplements if your company won’t allow you to build a site to market their products. On the website, provide as much information as possible about what you do and your company. With a website, you can create high-quality content showing readers why they should buy your products. In fact, you can build an email list using your website and also sell your products directly through the site. The most important factor for success is to provide value to your audience consistently. That way, you can earn their trust and loyalty, and it won’t be long before they start buying your products.

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Build An Email List

If you’ve ever tried to make money on the internet, you should have heard that the money is in the list. Perhaps, the best way of getting leads is by building a large email list that enables you to promote your products to potential customers continuously. But building a list can be strenuous.Aweber Email Autoresponder Banner

First, you have to capture the attention of your prospects through your website, social media channels, or paid ads. When you have their attention, you then have to ask them to opt into your email list, often in return for a gift such as an eBook or eCourse. Depending on the quality of your freebie and your marketing strategy, you can quickly build an email list and start interacting with your prospects.

But it’s not enough to have people sign up for your subscriber list; you also have to provide them valuable information regarding your product, industry updates, promos, and sales and consistently.

Keeping in touch can make all the difference. Nurture your email list until you become indispensable to them, to the point where they wait fervently for your newsletter every month. When that happens, you will be in business for a long time.

Use A Tell Me More Form

When people land on your website or read your emails, their primary goal is to find useful information, not to buy any product. A “Tell Me More” form allows people to request that you give them more information about your offerings. Have a link to this form on your website and include the link in all the emails that you send out to allow you follow up with subscribers. Make sure always to emphasize the value and benefits of using your business opportunities, products, and services.

Guest Posts
Computer screens with a guest post

Guest posts are an effective and free method of getting prospects via other people’s websites. If you can articulate your thoughts eloquently in writing or commission a freelance writer to write informative articles that you post on different websites, you can capture the attention of your market.

However, the tone and content of your posts must not be promotional for this to work. Even if the host website allows advertorial content, your audience won’t buy it. The most important factor is to add value.

You can write articles about your offerings, i.e., the product or service you are selling or create posts targeting people who intend to join your MLM network. While you may not be able to promote your business in your guest posts, you can always include a link to your website along with a bio with a promise of a gift.

Leverage Social MediaSocial Media Frenzy Banner

Social media is a fertile ground for winning new customers for a wide range of business, including MLM. With a strong social media presence, you can build a formidable customer base that will help your business grow and increase profits.

If you sell physical products, Instagram is your best source of prospects on social media. By consistently uploading pictures and videos of how your products can add value to your audience’s live, you can increase awareness about the product and also ramp up sales.

Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Reedit, YouTube, LinkedIn and other social media platforms also provide a ton of opportunities to win prospects for your MLM business.

Use A Referral Program

While many people on your email list may not be willing to buy your products or services, they might be ready to help you find people who can buy if you promise them a share of the largesse. With a referral program, you can encourage people to refer their family and friends who might need your products in return for a bonus or discount.

The sales process is long and tedious, but you can achieve your goals with the right strategy. However, lead generation is one part of the sales process. You also need to identify customers that are willing to buy, promote your offers and build a relationship with them. Get this right, and you are on your way to becoming an MLM superstar.

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I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions about How To Get MLM Prospects Online or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

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About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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2 Comments on “How To Get MLM Prospects Online”

  1. Moni, thanks for all the great tips! I especially liked the thoughts around guest posting and including information in your bio about a free gift when they visit your website. That’s such a great idea and I’ll definitely make use of that.

    This is a great site with a lot of valuable information. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and insight with us!

    1. Hi Jen, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
      I appreciate your kind words and I am happy you found the article helpful.
      Wish you much success!

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