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If you have been browsing the internet for ways to make money online, there is a good chance you have probably come across a program called the 12-day millionaire. This program makes bold claims about helping you to make $1000 within a 24 hours time period. Just imagine if they can help you do this and you continue this for 30 days you will be on the fast track to becoming a millionaire. But are these claims true? Or are they simply false promises to scam you of your hard-earned cash? Well, we want you to pay particular attention to the information we will provide in this review as we answer the question, “Is 12 day Millionaire A Scam?”
Exactly What Is The 12 Day Millionaire?

The owners of this website claim they can demonstrate how you can make this life-changing, revenue-doubling amount however the site that will be used to make this substantial amount will be created for you on the 12-day millionaire platform. In the sales pitch, they also claim you have the ability to earn this much money with very little, if any, amount of work.
The chances that you will get any other details are really slim if you are browsing for a concrete service they supply. In reality, they only offer a site that merely claims to produce earning for you and they do not offer any form of extra service.
The truth that you are offered things to buy without understanding what you are purchasing is not even the worst part of it. There are other warnings that you must take notice of so that you do not fall victim to this rip-off. With all the evidence we have gathered for this program, in our opinion, we can safely call the 12-day millionaire program a scam.
How Does The 12 Day Millionaire Work?

On the website, they claim they are discounting the price by $60 and making the 12-day millionaire program available to you for $37. This is a tactic to make the program look cheap in your eyes, however, the reality is there was never ever any discount!.
When you effectively join this program, you will be allowed to access a page created for basic members, and you are supplied with guidelines on how to begin generating income online. However, when you watch the video you will be provided with enticing information to make you want to sign up for other programs, rather than finding out how to generate income online.
They provide “enticing information” as a prompt for you to buy the up-sells by promising you will earn far more than what you will “invest” in the up-sells. We have no issue with up-sells provided as long as what is being promised is met and the up-sells are truly delivering value. However, when it comes to the 12-day millionaire, we believe you will be squandering both money and time if you buy any up-sell.
You are promised they will help you make a fortune with very little effort, however, the sad reality is that nothing happens. On the video you are instructed to watch, they will show you that your account has already made $135. Don’t be fooled by this; it’s a trap to get you to spend more of your money. When you examine your account, you may see the cash there, do not get too excited as it is entirely phony and just a copy of a screenshot. Sadly, other individuals who also innocently registered, just like you, will also see the same screenshot and feel the same level of excitement.
After reading just this far into the 12-day millionaire review if anyone still decides to go ahead and sign up for this program they have clearly made a decision to lose their money. We understand some people will fall for this scam however by paying attention to the information we are providing and empowering yourself you should be safe and keep your money in your pockets rather than letting the scammers have it.
Who Owns The 12 Day Millionaire?

On the website, it is claimed the someone called Josh in the owner.
This is just another lie and you find out the real owner is someone called Benjamin Carter, you only discover this when you make the payment through the payment processor provided (PayPal).
When the owner of the site provides deceptive information this again provides more proof that this site is a scam.
Red Flags
Here we have actually collected a list of red flags that ought to persuade you even more that this website is a total scam.
Make A Ridiculously Large Amount In 24 Hours

Right from the start, you need to understand that no affiliate marketing process is able to provide such large amounts of money in the time frame they are claiming.
This is the most significant bait used to trap naive and greedy individuals, and I know you are not one of them as you are here doing your due diligence prior to parting with your money.
By doing your very thorough research you can be sure not to end up being a victim of the numerous fraudsters online.
Phony Live Proof

While you are watching the video you will be shown a live proof that you have made $135. This is false information as every other member will be shown the same screenshot.
If you don’t believe this try to initiate a withdrawal and you will soon discover you need to take further steps. This is just a trick to make you happy and excited so you keep adding more money to your account.
Phony Paypal Proof

Be prepared for even more fake accounts of individuals who have started making money a day before you. To get you even more excited you will be shown a photo of someone called Lisa who currently has £264 in her account.
On further research, we discovered that Lisa is actually a random image of a woman linked to other stories on the internet.
Phony Testimonials

Something that gets individuals connected and makes them believe is 3rd party testimonials. And if you wish to be led by the testimonials you discover on this site, you will be misled.
All the testimonials on the site are scripted and done by actors hired from an online platform called Fiverr. You will find these actors have done many testimonials for other sites to make it appear that what is being offered is genuine.
If we look at the complete picture it is easy to see the 12-day millionaire program was preconceived and appropriate plans were made to scam you of your hard-earned cash, while “Josh” gets richer by using you as a tool in his hands to make him richer.
I believe with this review we have explained beyond a reasonable doubt that the 12-day millionaire program is a scam and will be bad news for anyone signing up for it.
We advise, instead of wasting your time and money on these looting-scammers, search for a genuine platform that can educate you and provide all the tools necessary to help you turn your passion into a thriving online business to produce a genuine income for you. One such platform we highly recommend is the Wealthy Affiliate. To read our view of Wealthy Affiliate Click Here.
Before You Go…
If you seriously want to earn money online at home and still not sure about how to start then click the banner below and check out the training platform and the community that got me started. And the best part is you can check out everything for FREE to decide if it is the right for you.