Is John Crestani A Scam? Everything You Need to Know

Is John Crestani A Scam?

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By now, we should all know that affiliate marketing is a niche that opens doors for those who want to earn money online. As long as you have the drive and determination, you could leave your office job behind and start working from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. However, there’s something else you need…good learning resources.

For those who have been in the industry for some time, you’ll know this is somewhat of a sore point. Yet, could we now have the answer with John Crestani? 

Today, we’re going to answer this very question (and many others!). For example; 

  • Who is John Crestani?
  • What’s Super Affiliate System?
  • What’s the difference between this and Internet JetSet?
  • How does the platform work?
  • What topics does it cover?
  • What are the pros and cons of choosing John Crestani?

Once we’ve been through these, we can then answer the all-important question; “Is John Crestani A Scam?” In fact, why wait? No, we don’t believe John Crestani or his program to be a scam. We believe your investment will be worthwhile with Super Affiliate System and you’re going to learn exactly why below!

Who is John Crestani?

Just like you in reading this guide now, Crestani started as an affiliate marketer who was fed up with the world of employment. If you’re expecting a fairy tale from this point, don’t worry because he doesn’t promise a story of starting with anything and finding magical success instantly. In fact, he’s actually very open about the fact that he was a failure for around four years.

John Crestani Interview

Soon enough, Crestani realized that there was no shortcut to success, and this is the first reason why we believe the answer is ‘no’ when people ask, ‘Is John Crestani A Scam?’.

With most scams, they promise instant success and they say it will come overnight. Alternatively, the Super Affiliate System makes no such promises and the founder himself knows the struggle we face.

After the difficulties, Crestani eventually came across Kelly Felix who became somewhat of a mentor. As success came, Logan Kugler featured him in a post on Forbes and he started to become inundated with questions. He has also been featured on Entrepreneur, Affiliate SummitYahoo Finance, and Home Business

From here, he decided to compile everything he had learned into a training course…introducing, Super Affiliate System (SAS). 

What’s Super Affiliate System?

As we’ve just seen, Super Affiliate System is a platform full of information and guidance for those who want to get into affiliate marketing. At this point, we should stop and quash the myth that this will generate success for you. This isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ system that you can instantly implement and enjoy lots of money. Instead, it’s a training platform that aims to equip you with the skills and knowledge you need. Without application and hard work, the system will be useless. 

Once you’ve paid the money and have access to the members’ area, the training will begin. For example, you’ll learn how to set up campaigns, the best tools and resources, the importance of traffic sources, and the affiliate networks that provide the most value.

In fact, many users are actually able to get into exclusive networks even when they normally require experience. 

Key Features in Super Affiliate System

What are the specifics with SAS? Below, we’ve listed some key features and the reasons why your investment will be in good hands! 

Pre-Sell – Firstly, John will teach you all about pre-selling and how you can frame people so they’re ready to make a purchase. As well as the logistics, you’ll be given templates and ideas for how to get started. Once you have access, you can actually download these through ClickFunnels and get started immediately. 

Ad Creation – How do you engage an audience and improve your chances of making a sale? Well, this is the next area. Rather than starting from scratch each time, John explains how to copy/paste proven ads quickly and efficiently. With ad credits, you’ll also have access to free advertising with strong networks. 

Copywriting – These days, copywriting is only becoming more important so learning this skill with John will put you in a great position. 

Data Analysis – Next, we find that too many platforms only teach the basics. But what happens if something isn’t working? What happens once the campaign has been launched? How do you gauge success and know where to improve? Luckily, John considers this with the data analysis section. 

Mindset – Finally, we wanted to include this one because it’s important in affiliate marketing. Often, marketers have the right tools and resources, but they still fail because of their mindset. With this, John shows the importance of a positive mindset and why we always need to be looking at the BIG picture. 

These are just some features of the program, and you can access the training materials for as long as you’re a member. Another benefit that we haven’t yet mentioned is that you can traverse the materials in your own time; there’s no clock or deadlines. If you want to go back and check the Facebook Ad chapter, for example, you can do so. 

John Crestani Super Affiliate System 2.0

Super Affiliate System v Internet JetSet

When it comes to John Crestani, you’ve probably seen both of these names. We’ve seen Super Affiliate System, but what’s Internet JetSet? Don’t worry, they’re actually the same thing. Recently, Internet JetSet underwent a rebranding and came out on the other side as a Super Affiliate System. If you see some people still referring to Internet JetSet, they’re actually talking about SAS. 

Benefits Of Choosing Super Affiliate System

Is John Crestani A Scam

Is John Crestani a scam? Hopefully, we’ve shown that this particular affiliate marketer is NOT a scammer and his program is NOT a scam. However, this doesn’t mean that you should instantly get out the bank card. So, we’ve listed some reasons why you might consider Super Affiliate System over other legitimate solutions! 

Research Techniques and Templates – In our experience, it’s tough for these types of platforms to get the balance right between providing information and supplying templates. While some provide too many templates and not enough information on how to succeed alone, others don’t provide enough real-world examples. For us, Super Affiliate System manages this balance beautifully. 

For absolute beginners, there are some brilliant templates and samples for pre-sell pages, funnels, ad copies, and more. However, there’s also enough detail for all members to learn how to research without assistance. Rather than being spoon-fed everything, John aims to teach so you can also succeed without the program (this is important!).

Applicable Skills – Secondly, there’s a definite focus on affiliate marketing in the resources. This being said, the skills you learn have a wider application. While we would only recommend this platform for affiliate marketers, this doesn’t mean the knowledge you pick up can’t be used in the future for eCommerce, network marketing, and other areas. 

Case Studies – Another reason why we recommend Super Affiliate System and John Crestani is because of the application of the theory. As well as the skills themselves, you can learn how to apply them with real-world case studies. Suddenly, you see how everything works in practice and what you really need to do to get started. Sure, the templates are useful, but how are they used? 

Affiliate Offer Selection – As you probably know, the number of affiliate offerings online right now can be scary. Not only for beginners, but even those with experience could also do with a helping hand and this is where SAS comes in. John Crestani provides a fantastic explanation of how to research the ‘right’ affiliate offers. From here, you also learn how to find buyers too, so all areas of the process are covered.

Webinars – As the penultimate benefit, you can always tell a good platform by their activity. Have they uploaded all the information and then left it? Or, as is the case with Super Affiliate System, do they continually look to help users with weekly webinars?

With SAS, you won’t ever feel alone, and the webinars allow members to ask important questions directly to the creator. Rather than hiding behind an actor or a fake name, John Crestani is available whenever you require help. As you progress through the course, this is something he makes abundantly clear too – you aren’t alone in the journey. 

Mindset – Before we look at some potential drawbacks, we want to finish on the mindset the program wants to develop within each member. In the introduction, this is something on which you’ll be asked to reflect. As we’ve said before, this isn’t a way to make money in a matter of hours. Instead, you’ll learn the importance of patience, focus, goals, and preventing the dreaded procrastination. 

Potential Drawbacks With Super Affiliate System

Is John Crestani A Scam

We believe this program to be worth your investment (this is probably clear!), but we cannot understate the ‘investment’ itself. If you’re going to pay the fee, you WILL need to work to see success. In truth, everything you need is there…the rest is up to you.

Elsewhere, experts in Facebook Ads will probably tell you that the training in this area could do with a little more detail. You’ll learn how to set up a campaign and some of the finer details, but those with a lack of experience with Facebook as a marketing tool may miss some of the basics. If you already understand the interface and how it all works, this won’t be a problem.

As the third and final potential drawback, perhaps we could really split hairs and mention the fact that some of the information comes from other experts. Is this really a negative? While some will be frustrated that it isn’t all from John, others will appreciate the different perspectives. As long as you know that some resources will come from other experts in the field, you won’t feel short-changed when they arise.

Is John Crestani a Scam?

Although we’ve answered the ‘is John Crestani A scam?’ question already, it’s worth reiterating. No, he isn’t a scam and Super Affiliate System is a brilliant resource for those who are willing to work hard. This system won’t make money on your behalf, but it will put you in a position to succeed (something that the very best platforms do!).

I recommend register for the FREE webinar where John reveals everything step by step how he became a success story and how you can just copy what he shows you. Before investing any money, get used to how he teaches and listen to the stories (they’re certainly intriguing!).

Sign up for FREE Training “How To Earn A 6-Figure Side-Income Online”

About Moni

I'm Moni, founder of Online Income News. This site was created to help you learn how to make money online. My team and I search and review online money making or business opportunity programs. I only recommend programs I feel are top legitimate making money programs. I also tell you which ones to avoid. You can learn more on my About Moni page. Feel free to connect with me through this site or through the social media icons in top menu, and If you want to LEARN and EARN on the internet from the comfort of your own home from anywhere on the planet check out My #1 Recommended Program

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2 Comments on “Is John Crestani A Scam? Everything You Need to Know”

    1. Hi John, thank you for dropping by and taking the time to comment.

      I am happy to hear you found the review helpful.

      Wish you much success!

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