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If making money online is something you are keen on learning or something you have already started doing and would like to expand to find more opportunities then you would have come across quite a number of them. Point 2 click profits is one of such platforms that promise to help you make a lot of dollars in an effortless way.
Now, these sort of promises should always be suspected as being a scam, but we can never be too sure. Let’s follow this review to determine if the claims laid by this website are true or false. It is not easy to make such amount of money online if you are familiar with legit sites, but who knows, you might just get lucky to stumble upon a site that pays well. Read on to find out if this website is a scam or a legit.
What Exactly Is Point 2 Click Profits?

Point 2 click profits is a relatively new website that promises to help you earn over $500 on Amazon every day like every other scam websites, they are not real evidence to these claims. The only thing you get is fake testimonials from actors as well as some reviews and screenshots of income that are either fake or from an entirely different system.
The website is only a single-page with a payment form that you have to pay for some unknown content in a black box. The black box will be revealed to you in the video provided for you to watch, in this video, you will also be told that the content of the video is your secret to unlock the secret to keep earning $500 or more every day. You really don’t have to do anything, everything will be handled for you and it will help you generate a lot of passive income overnight.
Well, we have to break it to you but there is no system that can help you achieve such financial feat while you just sit and do nothing. Even after you have been promised such a thing by anyone, legit sites would require you to put in dedication and grit for something substantial to come out of it.
You would have probably gotten an email to visit this site because there are people who have been designated to promote this scheme through email, and that is probably the way you got to know about the website.
There are also emotion-triggers on the site that claim that there are only limited spots available for you and that the price will go up if you don’t buy now. But be rest assured that this is only a hype to force you to take action as fast as possible. A rush in the decision would only end in regret because there is no real proof of earnings or revenues generated.
The site primarily targets novices and beginners who have had unsuccessful experiences in other programs, and if you are familiar with scam sites, you will understand that the entire layout of this websites has some suspicious activities to it.
Who Created Point 2 Click Profits?
According to the site, the website was created by a philanthropist called Charles McCalister who has found the secret of making money and would love to share with you, so that you can also become a millionaire like him. Our best guess is that Mr McCalister is a fake identity because if it were true, he would probably be a public figure and his identity would be known.
Searching through the internet and nothing was found of any sort relating to the website or the promises made linking to Charles. Everything is fake even down to the pictures placed on the site, and the testimonials.
Red Flags
This site has a lot of false information crafted carefully to mislead unsuspecting buyers. Here are some of the red flags we have been able to gather for you to look out for:
Fake Earnings

Here, you can see that you are promised a large amount of money where the only effort you have to put in is “doing nothing”. This should be the first point of suspicion because it is almost impossible to get money from such programs immediately you sign up.
You get promised a large sum just by the click of a few buttons but in reality, you do not get even a quarter of the value of the money you have invested in it. If you take a closer look at the situation, a system that promises to pay such a large of money within moments of joining would never be sold for $47. It would cost a lot more than that.
Creation Of Limited Available Space
One way to make you more interested and to heighten your excitement about the program is to create a fake scarcity with limited available slots. With this, you would feel people are really interested and you should most probably save a spot for yourself before it is completely taken.
Analysing this situation would reveal how unreasonable the idea is. If you have just 500 slots sold for $47, then the total amount made from this would not suffice for the annual salary of just one member of the support team. Charles mentioned he had an entire support team, and creating only 500 slots can never help manage all the members of this team he claims to have.
Fake Testimonials

One thing common with all these scam sites are the generically created testimonials, some sites go as far as creating video testimonials just to make sure they lure you into giving them your hard-earned money.
The first fake testimonial is from Mr McCalister himself. On the website, he displays a picture of himself and his wife with his two children, that picture helps to bring a sort of connection to the unsuspecting prospects, and they can quickly relate with him. The sad part is that the picture is not really who you think it is.
When researches were made, it was discovered that the picture appears on so many other different sites. It is, in fact, a stock photo taken and carefully placed on the website to make you convinced.
If you follow the story well, you will notice a place where he said, just like you, he is tired of fake stock pictures being used as the real deal, and he would love to help you learn how to make money. He also claims that the screenshots have been verified but he failed to mention who verified them.
Is Point 2 Click Profits A Scam?

According to the analysis made and the amount of information gotten, in our opinion, it is 100% false and a scam. From the way the website is designed, to the operations of the website, to even the testimonials all speak of the same thing which is a fraud. It simply points to the fact that it is a remake of another site, probably by the same person but with new ideas.
Like every other scam websites, the owner promises you a road to financial freedom, and then you feel the best way for you to make this money is to sit down and do nothing. Despite the fact that it seems like a lucrative business, you should never try your luck with this one, search for something better.
I hope you enjoyed this “Point 2 Click Profits Review” if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!
Before You Go…
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Thanks for the tip!! Like many people, I am fascinated by the idea of earning money from my computer at home and sometimes these companies can be really convincing. I will make sure to avoid this website if I ever come across it again in the future.
Hi Jesse, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
Jesse my best advice to anyone who is interested to start making money online is to do a very thorough research of the program before parting with their hard-earned cash.
The scammers can be very convincing so everyone needs to be very careful.