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The AZ Code or Amazon Code is a program that promises to help you earn tens of thousands per month in affiliate commissions promoting products on Amazon. Recall that Amazon is one of the biggest online marketplaces in the world, and the company has singlehandedly revolutionized the retail industry in North America. The Amazon Associate Program is one of the most legitimate ways of earning money online, and the AZ Code claims it can help you automate the process so you can make tons of money as an Amazon Affiliate sans the hard work.
According to the sales video, the founder of the program, a faceless Andrew Peterson claims that you can start making thousands of dollars immediately you sign up for the program. While the product costs $37 and includes several upsells, it is an outright misleading product that would get you into more trouble than you could have imagined.
What Is Wrong With The AZ Code?

To the careful observer, you will notice serious shortcomings in the presentation of the sales video. It’s all about making huge affiliate commissions, fakes testimonials, fictitious income proofs and wanton, unapologetic bragging.
The first sign that something is amiss is that nowhere on the website will you find Anderson’s pictures, web links, videos, or social profiles. The site also uses an anonymous domain registration, which makes it look like the person running the project is trying too hard to keep their identity under wraps.
But why is this so?
The Sales Pitch Is Off-ish
If it’s too good to be true, it probably is. When a product promises to help you make money without any effort from your side, pack your things and run for dear life. The sales video claims you can earn up to $40,000 per month using the AZ Code. However, people who are familiar with the Amazon Associates Affiliate Program will tell you it pays some of the lowest affiliate commissions in the industry, and you will have to work extremely hard to make thousands of dollars per month on the platform. It’s not going to happen any other way. You have to work hard and stay patient while your websites gain ground.
How Will AZ Code Help You Make Money
The AZ Code program promises to give you a system that allows you to make up to $40000 per month but keeps quiet about how to make it happen. Instead of showing you concrete steps to make these incredible claims a reality, Anderson maintains that his system is a secret one as if the survival of the human species depended on the sanctity of the code.
He gets you excited by waving bogus income claims at you, including a bank account balance showing about 2 million dollars. But if you are the discerning type and don’t harvest money from the tree in your yard, then you should be able to question the veracity of these claims before giving your cash to a faceless individual.
Fake Testimonials
Social proof is a great way of gauging customer perception before deciding to buy, but you can never trust the raving reviews and overly positive testimonials you see on most websites. Investigations from multiple sources have shown that the testimonials in the sales video of the AZ Code are complete duds.
All the people who gave testimonies about how the product has changed their lives and given them financial independence were actually rented mouthpieces. Except for the super greedy, it’s not hard to realize that $40,000 is an insane amount of money to make with a plug and play solution such as AZ Code. Whether online or offline, such an amount of money is extremely hard to make for most people.
What Does The AZ Code Offer?

The sales video explicitly states that the product will help you make as much as $10000 per week in Amazon affiliate commissions. But what’s inside the product is different. When you buy the product, what you get is an eBook that teaches success as an Amazon Merchant. Now, this is blatantly deceptive and a downright lie.
While the product claims to make you a super Amazon Associate earning tens of thousands of dollars per month, the program provides an eBook detailing how to become a successful seller on Amazon. You sure know that an Amazon seller and Amazon Associate are distinct players in the Amazon ecosystem.
An Amazon seller has the potential to earn way more than an Amazon Associate, but the seller is also responsible for many other activities and processes the Amazon Associate has no business with. For a person that claims to be earning thousands through the Amazon Associate program every month to confuse the two smacks of inexperience or deliberate misinformation targeted at making unsuspecting buyers part ways with their money without getting any value.
As an Amazon merchant, you are responsible for listing products, sourcing, advertising and selling the product. Amazon’s job is to help the seller ship the product down to the buyer, process payments and handle refunds.
As for the Amazon Associate, you earn money by promoting products sold on the platform, and whenever people buy products through your affiliate links, you earn commissions. Nowhere in the program does Andrew show you how to become a successful Amazon Associate affiliate, contrary to the claims in the sales video. In essence, you are enriching the producers of this program when you buy it because what you pay for is not what you get.
How To Earn Amazon Affiliate Commissions

Becoming an Amazon Associate is a long and arduous process, unlike the easy-life picture you get in the AZ Code program. The first step towards becoming an Amazon affiliate is to join the Amazon Associate program, which is Amazon’s official affiliate marketing program.
Unlike most affiliate programs on platforms such as ClickBank and Joko, you wait until your application is approved and then create an Amazon affiliate website that must also meet the stringent standards of the Amazon online marketplace. When these are ready, you will be given an affiliate link to be used in promoting products listed on Amazon, and you earn commissions whenever people buy items through your link.
Additionally, you also earn commissions on every other product that the buyer purchases apart from the one they bought directly through your affiliate link. This means the Amazon Associates can also be profitable if you know what you are doing. But the problem is you don’t know what you are doing, or you won’t have bought into the Amazon Code program in the first place.
Should You Buy This Product?

The AZ Code is not the right product for you if you intend to succeed as an Amazon Affiliate. The product neither provides the turn-key solution it promises to help you make thousands of dollars nor does it offer valuable training to help you do it yourself. It’s a fake product backed by blatantly mischievous marketing, and you may never make any money from it.
In fact, even the Amazon Seller training that’s provided in the product is pretty basic and won’t add much value to you. It leaves more questions unanswered, and you will end up becoming confused and frustrated.
The AZ Code promises to make you a high flying Amazon affiliate but gives you a basic eBook offering training to excel as an Amazon seller. The product is full of false claims right from the sales video to the main product. The best you can do is to steer clear of the product because it also contains upsells, although you can get a refund, it’s better to save yourself the trouble. It’s not worth it.
There are several top-notch training on becoming a successful Amazon affiliate, but you may have to pay a premium for the top quality resources they provide.
Making money has never been an easy enterprise or the world will be full of wantonly rich people and no broke guys. But the reality is that to make money; you have to sweat. It’s not any different on Amazon no matter what unscrupulous marketers tell you. Be smart.
In our opinion, this is a total
I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions about The AZ Code or want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below.

Very informative article and I am happy I read it.
Hi Louis, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
I am happy to hear you found the article helpful.
Best wishes
Hi Moni,
Thanks for the great review of this product. I do several things online and often look for new revenue streams. Clearly, this is one I won’t waste my time researching further.
I appreciate your diligence in this.
Hi Kevin, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
I am happy to hear you found the review helpful… no need for you to research this program further. We have done extensive research and this one is definitely worth skipping.
Wish you much success… stay safe!
Wow! I was not aware of this. Hadn’t even heard of it. Glad you shared this. There are so many scams out there. The more the internet grows, the more they will grow as well. I have seen fake testimonials before. It is hard to know what is real and what is not these days. Thanks for sharing and informing folks about the truth!
Hi Robert, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
Robert, you are right is it becoming more and more difficult for people to know what is real and what is a scam and scammers are becoming more sophisticated with their scams.
This is one of the reasons sites like ours are founded to help people and inform them of the scams.
Sadly, the scammers are moving faster than we can make people aware and protect them but, we do the best we can and if we can even protect a few people from getting scammed by these low-lives it makes our job worthwhile!
Wow Moni. If they are claiming such high Amazon commissions, it seems to me that they haven’t seen how low the Amazon commission structure really is. Most people only get a few pennies from an Amazon sale and the cookie length is really short too. I don’t know how they can get away with selling such an insane dream. Yes, sure, we all want to earn more money but people must be able to see through the lies. Online incomes are definitely there to be made but it’s like any other business – it takes time, dedication and effort. Thank you for highlighting the age old rule – if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Hi Gail, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
Gail, we live in an “instant gratification” society and program such as these take advantage of the fact that people want to be rich without putting in much effort.
Sadly, to make money online or offline take much effort and time. There are no shortcuts to success!
I totally agree with you Moni. The sales video alone should be enough to steer clear from it. This product is completely a waste of your time and I’m pretty sure it will not deliver the kind of profits that it promises.
Thank you for sharing this. This is very useful especially to newcomers.
Hi Nathan, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
Thank you for your kind words and I am happy you found the review helpful.
I just get so annoyed at seeing these scams and want to spread the word to protect as many of my readers as I can.