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What does it take to make four figures every week consistently?
The Profit Genesis 2.0 program claims it has the secret that will enable you to make $5,000 per week consistently. It goes further to claim that the system works on autopilot and you won’t have to do any work. But the reality is that making money online is not an easy task for anybody from the beginner to the professional.
Before you can make big money online, you need to spend hundreds of hours researching and perfecting your strategy. In this Profit Genesis 2.0 review, you will learn about the many inconsistencies in this program and as well as many of the claims made in their sales video. To start, let’s examine what the Profit Genesis 2.0 is all about.
What Is Profit Genesis 2.0?

It’s hard to determine what Profit Genesis 2.0 does if you only watch the sales video. It all starts with an actor hired to tell you how the Profit Genesis 2.0 system can help you earn $5,000 per week, consistently, without having to stress or toil over it since everything works on autopilot.
According to the promoters of the product, Profit Genesis 2.0 requires no skill and anybody can use it to start making four figures each week. With this product, you can make $20,000 per month with little or no efforts. Or so it seems.
How do you make $5,000 per week on autopilot? The sales video doesn’t try to explain any strategy or mechanisms which the system uses to make such large sums of money. The video only focuses on how much you can earn online through the system but keeps quiet about how to make it.
The sales video shows that you can set up the system in 15 minutes and everything runs on autopilot afterwards. You can now make money continuously and consistently without having to do any work. However, this tactic is the same marketing strategy used by many scammers peddling inferior products wrapped in flashy packaging.
How do you make $20,000 per month by setting up a money-making system that works on autopilot? How many of the seasoned internet marketers can boast of $5,000 per week?
Most can’t, and the few who do have had to work for it for several years, creating platforms and fine-tuning their strategies. Making money online isn’t that easy, contrary to the claims of the Profit Genesis 2.0. You will need to make your online business a fulltime endeavour and work hard to make up to $2500 per week.
The reality is that Profit Genesis 2.0 is all pump and no substance. It’s similar to several low-quality products being promoted on Clickbank.
Some of the other similar low-quality products we have reviewed from ClickBank:
These products are designed to make you emotional when making the buying decision rather than being logical and rational.
Except for people looking for get-rich-quick schemes, you won’t be fooled by this gimmick as products that promise outrageous wealth with minimal effort is targeted at making the owners rich, not you.
How Does The Profit Genesis 2.0 Work?
True, we all want to be financially independent, and the prospects of making $5,000 per week will get even the most pessimistic person excited. The Profit Genesis 2.0 is a dropshipping training program that teaches you how to make money through dropshipping products. The tool is designed to show you how to start a profitable eCommerce business even though you don’t have any skill or experience running an online store. The product will also help you drive traffic to your online store, provide customer support and also craft a unique voice for your brand, among many other benefits.
The truth, however, is that the Profit Genesis 2.0 can’t deliver on its promises. This is because the training it provides is not up to par with what you need to survive in the highly competitive eCommerce landscape. The product claims it will show you how to set up an online store within 15 minutes and start making money the same day.
Only naive newbies can believe this type of BS. eCommerce platforms require extensive in-depth knowledge of the platform before you can even be allowed to float an eCommerce store on the platform. You have to choose a niche, research the product categories that are lucrative but not saturated, drive traffic and do many other things that will take months and sometimes years before you start making huge amounts of money.
The biggest failure of the Profit Genesis 2.0 is that it relies only on free traffic. How do you convert your prospects if you are going to rely on free traffic? Even paid traffic does not guarantee any success, but to rely on free traffic and expect to make $5,000 per week is setting yourself up for failure.
With the right software, it may be possible to set up an eCommerce store in under 15 minutes, but not possible to start earning instantly. It’s even more unrealistic to make thousands or hundreds of dollars weekly from an online store with free traffic. It’s not going to happen. If you want to make money on eCommerce platforms, be prepared to spend hundreds of hours on training and even more on getting your online store up to speed with the best of paid traffic sources, excellent customer service, and a robust marketing strategy.
How Much Is The Profit Genesis 2.0?

The Profit Genesis 2.0 costs a one-time fee of $37, but the product also has upsells running into several hundred dollars. Unfortunately, both the initial price and the upsells can’t help you make $5,000 per week due to the poor training.
The main goal of this product and many other Clickbank products like it is to enrich the purse of the owner. People who cough out several hundred thousands of dollars to buy powerful cars do so for a reason; performance and luxury.
If you are buying a $37 product, do you truly believe it’s going to make you financially independent? No, it won’t.
The only good news here is that you can request a refund if you are not satisfied with the performance of the product. However, nothing is guaranteed as you may find it difficult to get a refund from Clickbank.
If there were such systems that can make you rich overnight with little to no investments upfront, then nobody in this world will have to work or lack anything because we will always have access to enough money to meet all our needs and then some.
There is nothing special or secretive about the training in the Profit Genesis 2.0. The product is designed to fleece the inexperienced and gullible of their hard-earned money. While it’s true that you can make such amounts through eCommerce, you need more than 15 minutes, and 15 weeks to start making a substantial amount of money.
This product only provides basic training on dropshipping which you can get for free on the internet. Its traffic methods don’t work, and it raises your expectations to unrealistic levels. In short, this product is not capable of helping you become the best you can be in your internet business, and it won’t help you make $20k in a month. If you are not familiar with dropshipping read out article What Is A Dropshipping Business.
Should You Buy Profit Genesis 2.0?

This product is not recommended. It’s a bogus program that makes unrealistic promises which it can’t deliver. While many people make hundreds of dollars per day on eCommerce platforms, they’ve had to build their stores over time.
Making money online is serious business and even dedicating yourself to it full-time doesn’t guarantee anything, any more than setting up a business offline.
There are no turn-key systems that can help you make money on autopilot. You have to work, learn, spend, and strive continuously to get ahead of the competition and put yourself and your brand in the right place where potential customers can meet you. A system like Profit Genesis 2.0 which promises riches without work has nothing to offer you except disappointment.
I hope you enjoyed this Profit Genesis 2.0 Review if you have any questions or you just want to leave your own personal experience, leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Hi Moni!
Great review of another “to good to be true product” . My biggest issue with these type of products and affiliate platforms is getting your money back. Like you said “GOOD LUCK”. I really appreciate having honest affiliate marketers like you out there who are not trying to make money off these products. I love your recommendations! Wealthy Affiliate is the best!
Hi Steven, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I appreciate your kind words.
As much as we would all like to make money by pressing a few buttons the reality is to build an online business take a lot of effort and time.
One of the main reasons I love Wealthy Affiliate platform is the fact they are honest and don’t promise to make you rich overnight. They are honest to tell you online success will take a lot of effort and time.
The best part for me is the fact new people who want to start an online business can start with FREE Starter Membership and later when the time is right for them they can take advantage of the premium features.
Moni, bravo. This was a masterpiece for sure. You literally cut right through them and got the point across for calling the scam for what it is, A SCAM! Wonderful job Moni! For anyone looking to make money online, Moni is the authority when it comes to finding out which programs are real or a scam! Online Income News is your best bet for knowing this!
Hi Evan, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
I appreciate your kind words and your endorsement of our site Online Income News.
My team and I do our best to help as many people as we can from not getting scammed.
Unfortunately, there are too many scams online these days and this is getting worse so we welcome more similar sites to make people aware of scams.
Bless you! I will continue to return to your site and read the updates. I have been scammed too many times! It does take work to make money online or anywhere else. Thank you for the research and sharing it with us! I agree with previous post…Wealthy Affiliate is amazing, truthful and the training is great!
Hi Paulette, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
I am sorry to hear you have been scammed too many times but take heart, before setting up this site I too had been scammed many times. I began to realise the pattern of the scammers and decided to set up this site to make people aware and hopefully prevent them from being scammed.
Scammers use emotional techniques to scam people and it amazes me that people still fall for the “get rich quick” tricks.
It takes time and effort to make money online or offline. Don’t believe anyone that tells you differently.
I am happy to hear you think the Wealthy Affiliate training is great, I also believe the platform is the best I have found in over 10 years of being online.
Wish you much success!
First of all I’ve been through so many scams that I lost count. It takes a lot to go through them all in hopes that you’ll finally find the one that works. Anything that works is worth looking for. It turns out that Wealthy Affiliate is the diamond in the rough!
Hi Rob, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
Rob sorry to hear you have been scammed so many times. If it’s any consolation I too had been scammed too many times which prompted me to set up this site to hopefully stop people from getting scammed online.
You are 100% right about Wealthy Affiliate being a diamond in the rough! For ANYONE who is serious about building a profitable online business, they need access to 3 things, Education, Websites and Expert Help. Wealthy Affiliate platform provides access to these 3 things needed for online success.